4/30/2015 BoT Meeting Post 4

Chair Hamilton asks for motion to approve the certificates to outgoing trustees.

Mazzochi asks if any of the achievements listed on the certificates of appreciation are binding on the BoT. Are they contractually binding.

Birt: what are you taking issue with? Can you educate us.

Hamilton: Just for the record Erin.

Mazzochi- I don’t wish to denigrate the service of Svoboda, Savage, and O’Donnell. I just know that some of the things in those resolutions are things that may be subject of pending investigations.

Hamilton: I’m going to call the vote.

Birt: I don’t think you can do that.

Mazzoci- as long as these things are not binding admissions in court, I can approve.

Birt: This is inappropriate. You’ve just shown your colors.

Wozniak: You’re just giving them appreciation.

Attorney offers an opinion: there is nothing that would bind anyone in any way. It’s an acknowledgement of 6 years of service. They have taken times from their families to serve.  I am not quite the Board’s attorney yet, not sworn in yet, but I think you are okay here.

Hamilton calls the vote: Trustee McGuire was moved, and Birt seconded it.

Roll: Unanimous yes.

Communications from the Chairman:

It is an honor to speak to you tonight. I would like to talk to you about the core of our college, which is education. It is an expression of faith of one’s ability to do something more, to propel yourself in the future. When students face an all-nighter, study for a big test — faith is required. This meeting is no exception. As a Bot we have to know that we can do much much more. Our students can do more, our faculty can be more respected as an integral part of the college, our working families who fund this college can be more respected. our BoT can be more respectful to each other. Our community can have more faith in our BoT. COD has been through tough times. Times marked by extraordinary and continuous denial. Those troubles are not yet over but the causes of those troubles are. This institution faces criminal investigation, legislative disdain, these constituents are outraged by what the Tribune has reported about COD over the last 7 months. We will fully support law enforcement and take appropriate actions. We will enlist a transition Don Hyder of the Kellogg School of Management to report systematically to us on existing issues within the college. Emergent issues will receive immediate attention. Mid-range require attention in the next 2-6 months. Long-range are those that can be addressed after 6 months. Non-partisan solutions will be offered for making COD a better school. We have recruited individuals from our school, our community, downstate, to bring people whose expertise is commensurate with the task at hand. The goal of this team is to have better policy and better checks and balances for this very fine institution. Tonight and in the next meeting you will see a reformer agenda take shape. Uncompromising reform that looks forward to an even better COD, not backwards. I welcome all 6 fellow trustees to put the past behind them to work for a better COD for tomorrow.

The next regular BoT meeting will be at May 20th.

If there is no other BoT business tonight, I will entertain a motion to adjourn the organizational meeting.

Mazzochi — moves

Napolitano. seconds.


10 minute break before the special meeting.