BoT meeting reconvenes 10:36 All Trustees vote to reconvene.
Motion that the BoT approve the consideration move to waive the Res Public invoice.
Mazzocchi: I so move but only that we release the invoice but the waiver be limited to the invoice itself and not to the substance of any attorney-client privileged communications.
Seconded: McGuire.
Hamilton: I’d like to make a statement about this. Res Publica was hired by a law firm and without any BoT knowledge under the thin veil of attorney-client privilege. We need to disclose to the public exactly what we are doing when we hire a law firm.
Any discussion:
McGuire: I wasn’t quite without BoT knowledge. I believe Chair Birt was aware of it.
Roll call: All vote yes.
Hamilton: I will entertain a motion to change authorization of bank signatures.
Moved and seconded.
Mazzocchi: I would like to make an amendment in the nature of a substitute. The current signature for all amounts allows the Treasurer or the President alone to disburse funds. My amendment changes the amount that goes out, with a large purchase it needs more than one signature. It’s a second control so that they go for the proper purpose.
Any check that goes out that is over 25,000 must be signed by someone on the BoT.
McGuire: Won’t it be awkward or cumbersome to implement. Won’t it be chasing people down.
Mazzocchi: We need to see what’s going on closer than we have been doing.
All trustees vote yes to the amended motion.
Hamilton: We have to vote on the change. We have to approve the original motion with the change.
No further discussion. Motion passes unanimously.
Hamilton: Motion that Fiscal year 2016 compensation for non-union, p/t teaching faculty credit assignments/Part-time Librarians, non-credit, non- classroom oriented assignments.
All trustees vote yes.
Hamilton: motion to approve the CDL Employee Drug Testing Program.
All trustees vote yes.
Budget committee: Napolitano and Bernstein
Waterleaf Committee: Bernstein will be heading. Also Paul Lefort, member of the public.
Napolitano: will the meetings be public? Open to the public or the trustees?
Hamilton: We need to discuss procedures. The procedures are not completely worked out. Initial discussion that I had with an attorney was that it doesn’t have to be open to the public. Only if two trustees are there does it fall under the OMA.
Hamilton: The good thing about having more frequent meetings. By next week maybe we can confirm if this will be an open meeting.
We will be meeting twice a month. We have the regular running of the college and we also have the investigations. we need to rise to the occasion and tackle the problems we are going to be meeting twice a month. One thing that dovetails with this is that I have to say that the Higher Learning Commission is going to be conducting an advisory meeting this month. This BoT is equal to any task that the Advisory committee will put in front of us. With transparency, intelligence and energy I am sure that we will address all their concerns and solve any issues that they may have.
The next meeting is Thursday May 21 2015.
McGuire moves to adjourn.
Bernstein seconds.
Meeting adjourned.