Chair Hamilton–in response to President Hansen’s remarks.
We were just discussing that [streaming] this week and it is in process. Your ability to get at old sessions is available now until 2009. You will learn about this later on, in the interest of greater transparency.
CODFA Vice President Richard Jarman speaks
Kirk Allen: Thank you, For several months I’ve asked questions in regards to claims that have been made, or whoever I should sent it , where is the documentation that shows that Breuder’s membership in Max McGraw?
Under what authority can a Trustee incur legal expenses before those are approved by the Board?
Also in a FOIA, I found that enrollment numbers were exaggerated and did not match what was reported to ICCB.
Handguns and M-14 rifles — you are brand-purchasing them without getting quotes for specific products. Kraft notes that there are other firearms available that would be less expensive than the ones that they are putting bids out for. You should not have brand RFP when there are others 44 millimeters that cheaper and used by military and law enforcement.
Last question — a legal bill to a Mr. O’Rourke. There is an MR Bower Foundation who could not hire Mt. ORourke and so they wanted the college to hire him so he could do the work for them. Was the payment made to Mr. ORourke made to the College of to the Foundation?
Paul Lefort: 45 year DuPage taxpayer. Congratulations to thie new BOT for establishing a new age at COD. I may not agree with all your actions but I appreciate your attempt to get more transparency. Does approval of a Donor Wall in the SRC seem appropriate or does in seem like previous excessive expenses?
Could you have an executive summary of some items of the mind-numbing 600 page budget. There could be ways to make this document more accessible to the public. Budgets indicate priorities.
Visual presentation made at BoT meetings should be posted on the web site. I second live streaming as well. Results of the audits should be posted. Confirm that the internal audit is reporting to the Board.
Bob Graham . I am intimidated by the time clock. I have a handout. First I want to congratulate you, especially recent trustees, which marks a more hopeful era for this college. I am here to speak on behalf on the COD soccer program. There are two student athletes here who are going to speak as well. Perhaps we could all speak together at the same time. I am the second head soccer coach here at this program. Coach Jim Kelly took over this program and it became the number one program in the nation. My handout shows the prodigious accomplishments of this team. We were an unproven team in the past at a relatively unproven sport. 40 years ago! We thought conditions would improve. There is today a magnificent complex now, but it looks good driving by, stepping on to it is another matter. This facility is actually in worse shape than it was in 1977 when I was coaching it. That is not a good statement. Our team and our coach are working hard. Coach Kelly deserves more respect than he is getting by having that facility.
Eugene Refakes– resident of Glen Ellyn, lives a few blocks away. I believe in fiscal conservatism, limited government, and personal economic freedom. I am manager of financial systems. Allegedly due to poor financial iversight, I feel it is my obligation to taxpayers, many of whom are neighbors. We should be aware of the things that are alleged that are not understood. We need to hear both sides of the story. I did research on some of the allegations we listed on our website. I took those concerns seriously. Here is my viewpoint on those:
Phone bill — are we paying for personal phone lines for families? The bill cited was for landline phones for regional Westmont Center.
The same concerned citizen- listed Red Box, meals, etc. That was from a students credit card bill. The student was seeking reimbursement for a replication of locket payments. We included that document for the audit. The student provided credit car receipts and we reimbursed $44.
College paid sales tax? We are not exempt from all taxes. We are not exempt from utility taxes.
Michael DeSImone — soccer player and student athlete. This is not the first time we have approached the College about our facilities. The field conditions in 2013 were not up to par with a college level. Overwatering of the grass, the grass is too high. High grass impedes the flow of the game. Mud patches throughout the year. They are not reseeded at all. We spent our own money reseeding. The police caught us and asked us to leave.
Last fall the NCAA had new regulations that all fields need to be 115 yards long . However, the field was refitted to 110 feet long. If the other team would have know n this — it was illegal — we could have forfeited our win. We also could have sprained an ankle, torn an ACL, broken a bone. I don’t want this to be brushed off. This is for the future — not for me as I have already played two years and am moving on. Please fix this.
Angela Torrito- Student athlete at COD. I have already played my two years of Women’s Soccer. Women’s soccer team has most student athletes than any team at COD. We do not have locker rooms so we had to change in our cars or out in the open which was not comfortable. We have no scoreboards. We would greatly appreciate making these changes.
Roger Kempa- Several matters. One regarding the minutes of the last BOT meetings. I am not a citizen at large. I am a District 502 citizen. I’d like that to be corrected. Also I would like a statement I made about COD being the fastest growing college in the nation put in the minutes.
Questions — year end annual audit is something that should be in process right now. Are there any plans for taking care of that function? Can year-end financial projections at the end of May be made and made available to the Bot and the public? In the monthly financial report there is a budget to-expenditure report. There is no revenue to budget report however that in that group of items. There should be one. In the investment schedule published at the end of April– it is overstated by over 4 million dollars. This is major and relates to IMEt. Last–Trustee Birt- I would be amiss if I didn’t recognize you there and ask you if you can now state for the record any examples of disinformation out there?
Gino Impellizeri- Professor Emeritus of COD. First and foremost I must express my happiness that after 6 frustrating years, people have finally voted for the right people. It is a relief. You have hit the ground like parachuters who land with guns in their hands. Chair Hamilton — thank you for your courage for fighting by yourself in the face of what has happened here. The main obstacle has been removed. But there is still some housekeeping that has to take place. But there are some administrators and a member of the faculty who think that this place belongs to them and not to the public. It belongs to the residents of District 502 and to the State of Illinois. Students are here to be served. From the lowest janitor to the President — all of us are here to serve the students and the public, not to serve ourselves. We sent a strong and loud message to remind that Americans are good citizens. Unlike us Europeans, they are governable. But there is a limit to patience. But we are watching you, new Trustees.