Chair Hamilton calls for motion on Blackboard Collaborate.
Chuck Currier takes the podium. My presentation is much shorter than Earl’s is. I am not sure what questions you have, but let me give you some insight about how we approach technology at COD. This is primariy a teaching and learning tool. Designed to work with our LMS.
We have encouraged our faculty to explore different software. You are probably aware that there are other products out there on the market. But at some point we looked to institutionalize . Today we have faculty who use Adobe Connect for meetings on line. But we have gotten to a point where we need a tool that can wortk with our current LMS. This allows faculty to cerate teams within their courses. Students within that team will have their own synchronous meetings.. We don’t know of a product that thas this ability to connect so deep with our LMS.
We have been using Collaborate IM. They carved it our for us so we could use it for language instruction on campus. Now we would like to have the entire tool, not just the piece we carved out for language.
This can also be used for the administration to hold synchronous meetings.
Mazzochi: Did this emerge from a faculty request?
Currier: Yes. We discussed this with Brett Coup.
Brett Coup: Yes, faculty across the college have asked for this. They want something where students can talk when they are in an on-line class,
Napolitano — It’s like a virtual classroom, much more interactive.
Coup: It’s definitely a tool that faculty can use to make their on-line classes more interactive.
Mazzochi: Is this something you are asking for in addition? Did you send out an RFP for this?
Currier: There isn’t really a competitive product that meets the functionality that this product has.
Coup: It’s made by Blackboard to connect to their other products.
Hamilton: Any more discussion?
Coup: We are getting a very good price.
Roll call: Unanimous yes.
Mazzochi: I’d like to make a motion to consider item 7B4
Hamilton: Why don’t we ask our questions and then they can answer them?
Mazzochi: What do these Internet Recruitment Advertising Agencies have to offer?
Linda Sans VanKerk– This tool is widely known and used to help distribute job postings widely.30,000 is a subscription fee payable at the beginning of the contract. We did renegotiate what we get from them last year so we are getting more bang for our buck. They do not post directly — they consolidate postings with various places. So they are a more efficient way to post. Instead of having to pay different places for job postings we just play Shaker, They coordinate with the other places. They also have expertise on how to post in ways to get good candidates for some of the specialized jobs we post for, in the health arena.
Mazzochi: In a typical year, how many open slots do you have and how many do you fill?
Sans VanKerk: In a typical year we fill 275-285 and 300 student employment positions a year. We pay attention to our diversity and we have their commitment from Shaker and Career Builder to pay attention to our diversity.
Right now we are not efficient in tracking where we fill jobs from. This tool will help us be more efficient in how we track this.
Roll Call: Birt- no.All others yes. Motion passes.
Hamilton calls for motion to purchase Arrow Systems Integration — Voice PBX Upgrade. Item 7B4d
Napolitano states that he works for a company that is a competitor to PBX Upgrade.
Currier is at the podium:
Napolitano questions the document that makes the case for this system by noting that he has seen upgraded phone equipment on campus.
Currier: We really feel we need to move our PBX forward and get more up to date.
I wasn’t prepared to talk about model numbers. etc. If you want more information I will gather that and we can have that conversation.