Post 6

Jeff Cooper of Glen Ellyn. Says that Diane McGuire has insulted faculty by suggesting that buildings are more important than faculty. insulted everyone by bringing up the most heinous person of the 20th century.  Your denial of the misspending of money at COD is not something Iwould suggest you base your campaign on. If Dr Brueder had stuck around (he is not present in the meeting at this moment and appears to have left) I would tell him he should start preparing his defense.

John Hamilton. I hadn’t intended to speak but I would like to add my voice to this fruitful conversation.

McGuire’s speech was very good. Gave a factual speech about COD’s achievements. Let’s examine her speech more closely. McGuire wants no more personal attacks. But the censure she supported had plenty of personal attacks. She suggests all the people criticizing spending at the College are right-wing ideologues. Is she calling the faculty union a right-wing group?

He suggests that the Board could have had dinner at home and then met, or paid for their own dinner, before Board meetings.

Why is the College being attacked for things McGuire says is so small.

I’ll tell you why. People talk loudly when they feel they are not being listened to.

McGuire sees beauty and modernity but others see excess and a find money is being spent on things that are not important for providing an education.

(He has more to say but he is cut off after three minutes)

There is another speaker but he hasn’t signed up and so Birt does not let him speak.

Chair Birt: For full disclosure, that last speaker is the husband of Kathy Hamilton, and he has enjoyed dinners as has Kathy Hamilton.

Hamilton: “And we have reimbursed.. For the record.”


Trustee Svoboda talks about the Veteran’s Day reading organized by faculty Franz Burnier and Bob Hazard, and where she read a poem about a mother with a son in the military.

Then talks about the SAGE series aimed at older adults. — free of charge to older adult population, life-long learner. Reading programs, etc. Lunchbreak series.  Grant-funded programs.

ICCTA . Talks about how trustees agreed they need to keep politically informed.

Chair Birt decides that  Laura Reigle may make her general comment even though she had not signed up to speak two times.

Laura Reigle — Wants to respond to McGuire’s 20 minute speech. Refutes the figures that McGuire claims for COD’s expenses for FOIA requests. Reigle says that BoT dinners are a violation of the law if they have spent taxpayers’ money for meals and drinks at the Waterleaf.