Discussion of the item about office space for the Board of Trustees. Trustee Mazzochi: would use to improve access of students and faculty, public. Napolitano: would be using existing space and resources, not building out new space or adding new computers or servers. Birt: clarify how it would be staffed. Office space not necessary. Wozniak: couldn’t they use study rooms in the library? Birt: we did use library space in the past. Micromanaging the college. Roark: very hard to get office space on campus. Points out that she is the student trustee and she has an office. Hamilton says that trustees don’t have enough access to students and faculty. McGuire asks if Hamilton sees herself being on campus every day, or 3 days a week, or hold office hours? Hamilton responds that office hours are a great idea and says that McGuire’s questions are out of line.
Vote: Roark abstains, the rest vote in pattern. Passes.
Mazzochi moves to table bank signature authorization since not enough information was available.
The rest of the agenda is “for information” and will not be voted on tonight.
Additional public comments:
David Goldberg asked that the Trustees adopt and follow Roberts Rules of Order, speak in turn, and stop sniping at each other and wasting time. It’s an embarrassment, unprofessional, not how large organizations must be run.
Another citizen stepped up to protest that the new trustees had acted as trustees before they were sworn in. The attorney clarified that they were in fact trustees by law.
Then there was a weird exchange, sort of, among Kirk Allen and Birt and Hamilton during which Allen made several interesting points that I was too tired to capture, and I truly apologize – please wait for the video. Laura Reigle also spoke again.
As it is closing in on midnight, your friendly faculty blogger is giving up. Good night everyone – it’s been damned interesting.