Mazzochi launched into another commentary about COD’s response to the HLC findings. She expressed concerns about the memo circulated earlier today, not sure that enough is being done.
Collins and Mazzochi faced off. Collins says that the board is not here, and that three trustees cannot give him direction. They go back and forth. “You can’t discipline me.” “That sounds like a threat.” Mazzochi insists that it is worthwhile to have the trustees who are present ask questions and give feedback. Collins says that he has extensive expertise with HLC and has served as reviewer himself. They should trust his expertise and know that he is doing his best to use that expertise. Mazzochi comments that despite his expertise, we find ourselves on probation.
The tone of this is tense…. goes on for a while.
Mazzochi says that the SLEA situation is a perfect example of her concerns about a lack of “soul searching”: it’s not enough to stop awarding the credit; she wants to know what structural or systemic issues allowed this to happen, and/or what personnel were responsible, and how have these been resolved? Kartje is called on, says she will provide report later. More discussion between Mazzochi and Joe about the SLEA whistleblower and whether faculty concerns are taken seriously.
Roark says that she wants to see more progress on faculty – administration relations.
Bernstein says that he would like to see the response further fleshed out.
Mazzochi responds to Roark that she had wanted to include a presentation on the reasons for the VNC on this meeting’s agenda but postponed until there can be a quorum.