There were a few questions/comments about items listed on the consent agenda.
Bernstein addresses the absent trustees and asks that the consent agenda be the agenda for the special meeting next Thursday so that items crucial to the operation of the college can be dealt with.
Napolitano describes a conversation he had with McGuire just after learning of Hamilton’s resignation. McGuire asked Napolitano to support her for chairman and said that she wanted to overturn the voiding of Breuder’s contract. She wanted to bring him back and end his lawsuit, as well as reinstate Glazer and Spayta. She said she would cease cooperation with investigations. Other details about the attorneys.
Mazzochi points out RFP in current board packet for board training in ethics and governance. Will not be issued until there is a board quorum. Hopes that by continuing trustee discussions, will be able to move quickly through backlog of business. Closes meeting.