Chair Birt calls to order the 4/30 Organizational Meeting. Now called to order. She says she cannot chair the meeting because of her respiratory illness.
Announces that Academic VP Joe Collins has agreed to take over the meeting.
Collins reports that in the case that an organizational meeting cannot be chaired by the chair, the college president or executive officer can chair.
VP Collins introduces the new trustees. Charles Bernstein, Deanne Mazzochi, Frnak Napolitano, and the student trusee, Gloria Roark.
Secretary pro tem Frank Napolitano administers oath of office to Gloria Roark, Student Trustee.
Swears her in.
VP Collins congratulates Gloria Roark, student trustee.
Judge Fullerton administers oath of office to new trustees.
VP welcomes the new trustees.
The organizational meeting is now called to order. Secretary Napolitano administers roll call. All trustees present.
VP Collins moves to approve tonight’s agenda.
Seconded. Approved.
Nominations and electing of Board Chair.
Bernstein moved to nominate Hamilton.
Mazzochi seconds.
No other nominations.
Motion to appoint Trustee Hamilton as chair of BoT
Napolitano seconded.
Roll call:
Roark — yes
McGuire — no
Birt -no
All other vote yes — Hamilton, Napolitano, Mazzochi, Bernstein.
Nominations for Vice Chairman — Hamilton — moves to appoint Mazzochi
Seconded —
no other nominations.
Motion to approve Hamilton by Napolitano.
Roark — yes
Birt- no
yes by Hamilton, Mazzochi, Napolitano,
Secretary — Mazzochi nominates Napolitano.
MAzzochi seconds.
McGuire, Wozniak, Birt — no
all other yes.
VP Collins turns the meeting over to new BoT Chair Hamilton. Asks Napolitano to take over Secretary role for the rest of the meeting.