
Mary Rojas Carlson, Chair

Division Faculty Member Term Expiration
Business & Applied Technology M. Carlson (Chair) 2023
Business & Applied Technology B. Sward 2023
Liberal Arts P. O’Shea 2023
STEM D. Taylor 2023

Two Year Appointments — Beginning September

Committee By-Laws

From the CODFA bylaws, the Elections committee will:

  1. Consist of at least four full share members.
  2. Conduct all elections of the Association by secured ballot.
  3. Set the time, manner and other rules and regulations to assure that all eligible members are given the opportunity to vote.
  4. Election judges will be full share members provided their name is not on the ballot.
  5. Election Chair will obtain a copy of the official membership roster for the current term from the Association Treasurer and use that roster to create a list for use during the election process.