BE IT RESOLVED by the College of DuPage Faculty Senate that we thank Jacqueline McGrath for her service to the Association. She has served three years as the Vice President of the College of DuPage Faculty Association (2017- 2019), over 10 years as delegate to the IEA, over 5 years serving on the Welfare Committee including multiple rounds of negotiations, and in various leadership capacities over time, including Faculty Senate.
Jackie has been a champion of faculty causes over her time at the College of DuPage. Her tireless work to improve the faculty morale and working conditions including her family leave initiative that has greatly improved parental leave, her countless hours fighting for better health insurance, and her dedication to workplace safety has had a direct impact on all of us. She also created the faculty perspective essays and forums that helped start important dialogue between faculty and the Board of Trustees regarding the best learning environment for students.
In her pursuit of providing that best learning environment for students, she was heavily involved with creating an English class for the residents at the Illinois Youth Center in Warrenville. Through teaching at the center, she extends her mission of establishing English literacy to some of the most marginalized members of the community.
In addition to her College of DuPage commitments, Jackie has helped forge relationships between our local Association and communities of educators throughout the state. Through her diligent involvement with the IEA, which includes her participation on the IPACE executive committee, our Association has become better partners with our local IEA brothers and sisters. Through the IEA, she is currently part of a team that is leading a statewide initiative to improve developmental English education. Having such a strong faculty and student advocate connected to local associations and Springfield has and will continue to pay dividends to College of DuPage long into the future.
Since joining the College of DuPage faculty, Jackie has been a warrior for faculty and students alike. Her fellow CODFA officers have described her as honest, trustworthy, and a perfect teammate. Her dedication and integrity to the values in which our Association strives to uphold is evident in all that she does.
The Faculty Senate expresses our sincere gratitude to Jackie McGrath for her continued service to our Association. We acknowledge her role in making positive change at the College of DuPage and look forward to her continued pursuit of the best learning environment possible for faculty and students.