Discussion of reestablishing the BTW continues.
Mazzochi-Currently on the table is Trustee Olsen’s amendment about striking language.
No — McGuire, Napolitano, Wozniak, Mazzochi.
Yes — Bernstein, Olsen, Escamilla.
Motion fails.
Roll: (on the substitution supplied by Bernstein)
Escamilla abstain
Yes — Bernstein, McGuire, Napolitano, Olsen, Wozniak
Motion passes.
7. Request for approval — retention of Clifton, Laren Allen to provide external audit services.
Public comment — only 2 minutes due to the late hour.
All public speakers pass due to the late hour.
Trustee Discussion — none
Moves to go into closed session.
Vote: all trustees vote yes.
Closed session begins.
Blogging is now over for the night.