Item #16, change orders, for information only.
Bruce Schmiedl comes to the podium.
Mazzochi: where can we get more information? Are the contracts on the website?
Bruce Schmiedl: I don’t think so. They are saved in the departments.
Mazzochi: could they be on the website?
Bruce Schmiedl: they could.
Mazzochi: could the overall planning also be put on the website and matters regarding the HSC?
Collins: Joe Cassidy and continuing Education developed the plan for HSC.
Mazzochi: can we have all this on the website as a separate tab, for the HSC? These change orders, none of them have any aggregate value over 20% marks that would require approval. Have any of them exceeded the 3% error rate, as a whole?
Bruce Schmiedl: no, they have not. Errors on individual subcontracts, the college does not pay for that. We track across the entire project.
Mazzochi: are we withholding those from the architects or the engineers, the amounts are left to pay.
Bruce Schmiedl: there’s about $200,000 left. We separate those errors and omissions in those 2 categories.
Mazzochi: We still have the opportunity to recoup these funds.
Bruce Schmiedl: we do.
McGuire: most of these change orders are about HSC. It’s supposed to be ready by August 1st. I want a tour of that building. And will there be a dedication ceremony scheduled? Can we schedule that?
Bruce Schmiedl: we can probably arrange a tour.
McGuire: are we planning a formal dedication?
Collins: absolutely, and the board will be invited, of course.
McGuire: as I emailed Dr Collins about financials and Dr. Jarman commented on that. HSC looks good. We’re getting memberships, classes, SLEA, and people who will take conceal and carry classes. I’m very excited about that.
Collins: the business plan for the HSC will be posted online.
Item #17: change orders for approval.
Bruce Schmiedl: [explains the change orders]
Napolitano: the project manager, who doesn’t work for COD
Bruce Schmiedl: he does.
Napolitano: he already approved the changes.
Bruce Schmiedl: the subcontractor has already agreed to the money.
Napolitano: I’d call that a lapse in judgement. It seems it’s happened in other departments at COD where decisions are made, and contracts are made without proper process.
Bruce Schmiedl: what I did in my dept is reinforce with my staff that no change order of any kind goes forward at least without my review on it. I’ve made it clear to staff, they are not to act on anything that does not have proper signatures and a project manager does not have that authority.
roll call: all yes