Three consent agenda items are pulled – a, b, o.
Secretary Napolitano reads the remaining consent agenda, items c through n. These items are approved unanimously.
Item 9-a, bid for replacement of HEC Exterior Capsule Signage. Pulled by Wozniak. Asks for details of bid. Work is for signage that names the building, for Staff Sergeant Miller. Wozniak argues that the naming of the building is a problem. McGuire says that the naming is subject of a lawsuit. Split vote with McGuire, Birt, and Wozniak voting no. Motion passes with all others voting yes.
Item 9-b, Urban Sustainability Farm. Bernstein asks what the difference is between this and the Community Education Farm. Yes, this is for teaching in new program. Dean Stewart says that this proposal is solely for support of an academic program. Community Education Farm has very different mission and aims to produce significant amount of food. Bernstein asks for faculty input to understand the differences in the two farm concepts. Stewart introduces Brian Clement faculty in Horticulture. New farm supports degree program with experiential learning and practical applications in sustainable food production. This item passes unanimously.
Item 9-o, financial reports. McGuire asks some questions. Birt suggests dividing financial reports so that legal bills are separate and discussion of them will not hold up other items. McGuire asks which firms are billing the insurance company. Wants to see the bills to the insurance company. Birt asks for itemized bills for legal services. Mazzochi says that she can see them any time but can’t remove them from the college premises. Exchange between Birt and Mazzochi about password protection of the legal bill documents. Wozniak complains about not being able to access them easily on his phone because of the password protection. More back and forth, the discussion is contentious. Attorney Kinsella and Joe Moore answer questions along with Joe Collins. Vote is split with Wozniak, Birt, and McGuire voting no, motion passes.