Chair Birt calls the meeting to order.
Secretary O Donnell calls the role.
All Trustees present except Svoboda by phone due to a family medical emergency.
Motion to approve the BoT agenda. McGuire moves. Seconded by Wozniak.
Motion passes after voice vote.
Birt asks the college attorney Ken Florey to explain the purpose of the meeting.
IT is to clarify the procedural question of last week’s vote. The Bot is here to clarify the question of “calling the question” That happened at that meeting. Florey describes “calling the question” as a way to stop debate but it must be voted on. Tonight’s sole purpose is to clarify that the BoT did indeed vote 6 to 1 to approve this retirement package. Florey also clarifies that Brueder is under a self mansged plan for his retirement and thus the severance pay will not impact on his pension. IT will not increase his pension.
Florey asks if there are any questions as to the purpose of the meeting. There are no questions.
Chair Birt describes her procedure for calling the speakers who have registered up to the podium. Due to the amount of people who will be commenting, the BoT will only entertain qustions until 8:30. Then the BoT will go ahead with its meeting. Afterwards other speakers can speak.
Diane Bascal. 502 Resident. Dr. Brueder has been given a very generous salary and benefits. The Bot states that he has over 100 accomplishments. They have already been paid for by his salary. The Bot fails to admit thatthose accomplishemnts were largely achieved by other employees at COD wrking hard to create curriculum, manae facilities. They should also be paid for those. IT is ridiculous to pay that much money.
Dan Bailey. I have been listening to the various issues here (VNC by faculty, Brueder being paid to leave Harper) Contrary to what the BoT says, Brueder’s tenure here has been a disaster. If you really cared about this college, you would resign immediately without further compensation.
Den LEntal. You out there probably think a community college is about middle class students and their hard working families. You people on the BoT don’t get why students come to COD and how they have to leave within their means. “Thank you for your great sense of irony and humor in proposing to name the Homeland Security Building” after a man who in his own words worked to avoid military service. ” You made a judge rule to hold this meeting in a larger venue. There are thousands of peopleoele in the state of Illinois who are disgusted by your behavior.
glenn Hansen. It is time to return this college to a state of sanity. I call on Dr. Brueder to retire now. It’s a difficult choice for you Dr. Brueder. You have said that you won’t back down. We know this is not how you want to end your time at COD. I ask you to channel ??? and Mother Teresa. Turn the College over to the Executive Vice PREsident Joe Collins. You have put together a management team with 10 Vice PREsidents. f this team cannot conduct a national search for a new president, you’ve got a problem. Bot , amend your ate of retirement now.
Alex Franklin, COD student. I’ve been here three years. I want to applaud the efforts of KAthy Hamilton. She has shown an interest for the students, taxpayers of this college. She has een the voice of dissent on this board that has been about backdoor deals, etc. Dr. Brueder, I urge you to back away form that severance pay andfrom the damage you have done to this college that we will be feeling for the next ten years.
DeeAnn Mazzochi. Candidate for COD BoT. I am an Attorney. I have reviewed drafted and litigated contracts. You BoT need to review this. There is not need for this contract to be honored at this time. (She explains that Brueder has made a voluntary retirement) Everybody is agreeing that Brueder is agreeing on his own to retire. There is no need for a buyout. I’ve read that entire contract. (She goes into detail about the contract and why it does not require a termination lump sum since his retirement is voluntary — a buyout is not necessary.
Lots of applause in the room.
John Kraft. I want to start out by saying that you should all be embarrassed by this BoT. MY comments tonight involve three employees who have spent time working for the COD Foundation. Questions the Employment extension of Catherine Brod, Barbara Abromitis and ????. These extensions were not mentioned in the meeting or the BoT packet. These appointments were made in secret. They are also illegal. One more example of the publicized inconsistencies.