Suspension of house accounts at Waterleaf restaurant. Moved / seconded. Mazzochi asked for an amendment to include any restaurant on or off campus and the Inn at Water’s Edge. Would cover house accounts anywhere.
Birt states again that she doesn’t object to the motion but to the way it was presented.
Roark starts voting again, votes yes, the three vote no, amendment is accepted.
Then the amended motion is voted on. Same vote, motion passes.
Trustee Bernstein asks for the next four items to be considered together. These are requests for contracts and invoices from PR firms and client files from legal firms.
Items 15-430-9, 10a, 10b, and 10c are combined and moved/seconded together. Motion passes with same vote pattern.
The next issue is the Illinois Auditor General’s performance audit. Birt asks if there is a cost defined. Mazzochi argues it could save money by revealing expenses that could be recovered and also that COD could lose state funding if it does not comply. Wozniak argues that the state should pay for the audit.
Motion passes by same 4-3 vote.
Short recess.