Author Archives: Admin

March 6, 2014 Meeting Start

Call to Order at 7:06

Glenn Hansen (President of College of DuPage Faculty Association)

Question 17 and 18

Good evening,

I’m Glenn Hansen, President of the Faculty Association and Faculty Senate.

I’m very pleased that you, the Board of Trustees, took my suggestions of longer meetings, more discussion on the record, and more meetings.

While I’ll reserve my comments about other issues for 2 weeks from tonight, I must ask what’s the secret? As elected officials, I assume you are not afraid of crowds. You love meeting people and hearing their input, that’s one of the reasons you were able to successfully campaign for this high paying position serving the public interest.

You met the letter of the law of the Open Meetings Act, but let’s try harder to meet the “Spirit of the Law”. Posting the announcement of tonight’s meeting on your web page Tuesday evening, only guarantees a light turnout. Because, who other than a few of us groupies, read your web page on a regular basis. Do you have a twitter account I could follow? After all, you can announce a meeting in less than 160 characters.

This is a meeting you have planned for a long time; you’ve spoken of a retreat to discuss the SLRP since last fall when you found out what your role was in planning. Not quite what you thought it was, was it? You could have announced this meeting 2 weeks ago.

I’m sure the For the Good of Illinois site would be disappointed in this definition of transparency, or maybe not. Transparency is about more than opening the checkbook and posting some employee’s salaries.

In the end you would be safe, I’m sure no one but me and a few friends would come to hear about Strategic Long Range Planning, sorry Jim, it’s not that mysterious and exciting. But, think about this. If you were more proactive in inviting the public to your meetings, you’d hear from me less.

Have a good meeting, I’m looking forward to the PowerPoints and I would like to receive copies.

March 6, 2014 Asides

Trustee McGuire: Let’s talk about institutional climate. Are we doing another PACE survey later this month?

VP Bente: Yes, it’s part of a regularly scheduled feedback program (my language) He goes on to say that we are going to do student, faculty and classified surveys at the same time so we can correlate the finding better.

Trustee McGuire laments that the adjunct faculty are not included in the SLRP survey. ?)

VP Bente: I’m disappointed that no Liberal Arts faculty volunteered for the SLRP environmental scan but once they saw the work involved, not one would step up.

Trustee Savage: Comments about the brand rollout. The staff put a lot of work into the brand roll out.

Trustee Torres; students liked the events.

Trustee Birt: We are going into Closed Session.

March 6, 2014 Special Meeting Preview

We’re not sure exactly what’s the purpose of tonight’s special meeting, One issue is an examination of the College’s Long Range Strategic Plan. But it’s not clear why this could not wait until the regular board meeting. Please stay tuned. Keep in mind this is a live blog and additions, contractions, corrections and conundrums will be addressed at a later date.