Ida Hagman. Spoke in favor of the BTE based on the quality and the challenging content. Was a visionary act to establish it. Great education opportunity, very meaningful to audiences. Bring it back, get a subscription and go!
Maggie Opal. Spoke in support of the excellent opportunities in theater classes and BTE.
Ed Franckowiak. Referenced co-mingling of funds between COD and the Foundation. Public funds, have the issues of FOIA requests to foundation been settled? Concerned about Hamilton’s email address.
Kirk Allen. Disappointed that McGuire is not here. But not really. Subpeona on house accounts used by admins and trustees, also documents that support the approval of those expenditures. Those documents don’t exist – or you lied to me on my FOIA. What isn’t found is telling. Only location of American flag is in front of HEC, should be addressed.
Paul Lefort. Commented on Birt’s absences. Will she be a full-time for part-time board member? What is her budget position? How many meetings to miss before considered to abandon position? Supports the new budget, more realistic, provides relief for students and taxpayers. Also commented on the consultant who spoke last week and said she recommended against hiring Breuder. Asks Wozniak if he knew of her recommendation and if so did he ignore it, and why?
Jennifer Schwartz. Speaking on behalf of BTE, a current student and theater major. It’s “miraculous” the experience of working with theater faculty and the level of professionalism they offer. Talkbacks offer incredible insight.
Laura Voss. BTE has blessed me as a resident, and I have grown as a person.
Grace Beifuss. Student. Did not have sense of direction, started acting and taking classes at COD. BTE moved me along as a student and as a person. Changed my life.
Miguel Marino. Has been speaking at BOT meetings and was befriended by Monica Miller, Breuder’s secretary, who said that if she was his mother, she would be proud of him. Learned of her upcoming termination. Reaching out to help her find a new place at COD. Hope her opportunities will not be limited because she has not done anything wrong here.
Robert Bailey. Member of Buffalo Theater Ensemble. Asked audiences to be changed by their experience. Non-profit, driven by ensemble. Always embraced by community and college. Mentoring and offering class visits. Thrived for 27 years. Dismantled by just one man – can be undone. Community wants us back, students want us back. Please, bring us back.