Session 2 is called to order.
Moderator: We’ll being this round with a 30 second response to a specific question:
Question: Can you please provide an example of an issue on which you publicly agree or disagree with Dr. Breuder?
Gambs: The best way would be to let the hero’s name to be on that building. Symboilcally it would mean a lot.
Pihos: I disagree with: when the referendum was passed a lot of infrastructure came to campus — it has curb appeal but after talking to students and instructors I can see it would have been better
Savage: I agree with Breuder that we need a healthy fund balance but I think it is too high at this moment. We need to figure that out.
Bernstein: The Waterleaf restaurant. Loosing 500 is bad. But not complying with a FOIA request about it is emblematic of problems here.
Bailey: I disagree with Breuder on his focus. The focus should be on educational programs and support for students, not on buildings.
Svoboda: I agree with Breuder on community nights. That is important. A lot of people in the Disctrict are not familiar with programs and inititaitves. Now at least once a semester we invite community residents to come and get to know the college. People come here and are very refreshed.
Ball: I disagree with Breuder on his use of no-bid contracts. That is a breeding ground for conflict of interest. It costs more in the end than the full bidding process and is just a bad idea from an accounting standpoint.
Carlin: The question is interesting because the President of any college takes direction from the BoT. If you disagree with a decision, you are disagreeing with the BoT, not the President. I didn’t think the sculpture in front of the Student Service Center should have been funded with tax dollars but Brueder thought it should be.
Napoitano: I disagree with the power that Breuder has. But it has been bestowed upon him by the BoT. The BoT has approved the Waterleaf, the no bid contracts, the 762,000 parachute. The BoT seems to have forgotten it serves the taxpayers.
Mazzocchi: Services added to a contract does not mean that somehow it does not need to be bid out.
Kempa: I disagree with Breuder for misleading the public that his intention was to retire because he was getting older, had family issues, and then suddenly all hell breaks loose. It’s not about retirement is it?
Wozniak: Breuder has made his mark on this campus in many wonderful ways. But I disagree with his 762,000 golden parachute. He can retract that at any point.
Now questions directed at particular candidates:
For Wozniak: Please clarify your relationship to the current BoT and the member of the current BoT with the same last name.
Wozniak: He is my son. He is a COD graduate and has a great respect for this college. He is now in his second term.