DEc 18 BOT Post #5

New Business — Paying back some of the COD debt, based on maturity of the bonds.

They are recommending the same tax levy as next year. No increase.

Vote: all except Hamilton yes.

Hamilton: I told Brueder last week I would not support any tax increase. Not with all the money, an obscene amount, in reserve is spent down would I consider this.

Birt asks Glaser to provide information on what we are voting on.

Glaser — there is no increase in this. We could be asking for this, if we were operating as we have historically. That’s not what we are asking.   No increase in this resolution. The operating levy that you are considering now is the same as last year.

Last year 71 million was the tax levy amount.

Hamilton: Are you saying that through all this language that you are freezing the levy. It is the same levy that was followed in 2013.

Glaser: yes

Hamilton: look guys, it is fine to get confirmation for me.  I found this language quite unclear.  You could have put it as “tax freeze.”

Birt warns someone in the audience that she is about to ask him to leave.

Birt: We are not voting on an increase.

Savage: I would like to read a paragraph on this. reads from document that says it is a good idea to continue to ask for modest increases. Savage says that there will be a drop in 20-30% drop in the map grant to 2nd semester students until the State looks at their budget.

McGuire: They will be slashing Pell grants.

Discussion continues. All Trustees vote “yes.”

McGuire — Tom Glaser was very helpful in helping me to understand this. She pulls out her tax bill and reads out how much she pays to COD.

MRI Certificate Program. Motion carries.

Motion to approve the WDCB Radio Station audit.


Hamilton “This audit ignores the matter referred to the State’s Attorney. ”  Misappropriations 4 times the review. Corrective steps are not mentioned to solve the issues at WDCB. I cannot vote for this.”

McGuire: I asked about underwriting activities. And fundraising activities. We do subsidize the radio station but to a lesser degree than we used to. That’s a good direction.

Vote: All yes except Trustee Hamilton “no way.”

Motion: Approve the Hearing instrument Dispensary Program Certificate.

All approve.

Chair Birt: There are no Trustee Discussion items to discuss now.

Hamilton has questions about imprest account and minutes from last meeting. The minutes are wrong from last month.

Savage: We approved the minutes, at the beginning of the meeting. That was the time to say something.

Hamilton: I know. I understand that. But we are all still here and can vote so why not do it now?

Hamilton: Another point about the imprest account. I didn’t see it on the website.

Glaser: Go to the website and you will see it there.

BOARD goes into Closed Session.