Appointment of Administrator Appeal Hearing Officer
This is related to the need to have someone to hear appeals from Glaser and Sapayta. Complicated and sensitive legal work. Mazzochi has a motion prepared proposing the hiring of Joseph A. Morris. Timelines are very tight.
McGuire: risk that these hearings may be tainted. Should reach out to IL Labor Relations Board. Need to be sure that hearing officer is absolutely unbiased.
Mazzochi says that McGuire has warped idea of conflict of interest. Nobody has any prior relationship with Mr. Morris. Suggestion of conflict is frivolous. McGuire had every opportunity to suggest anyone she wanted to.
McGuire says that she is just saying it has been a very fast process and not many options were considered.
Elliot says that he and his firm have no relationship or business with Morris. He was contacted because of his reputation for being one of the best or even the very best hearing officer in the state.
Napolitano states that there is a Sept 24 deadline to schedule a hearing.
Vote: Birt and McGuire No, all others Yes.
This is the end of tonight’s blogging coverage!