Item 11, initiating termination process for Breuder. Chair Hamilton says that the integrity of the process will be carefully guarded. The public as well as President Breuder should have confidence in the outcome. This is the beginning of a process, not a finding.
McGuire has a statement. Not convinced that the board has a valid and legal basis for this action. The board majority is determined to deliver on a political promise. Will vote no.
Wozniak is against moving forward with termination because should he file a lawsuit, it will cost more than the buyout.
Bernstein: convinced that there is more than sufficient to proceed. Calls on Breuder to put the college first, forego the severance, and walk away. [applause]
Mazzochi: in April, one of the first actions of the BOT was to authorize the investigation. The four months have passed and here we are. I look forward to bringing some resolution to this issue.
Napolitano: would like to hear legal opinion about the super-majority issue. Then there is back and forth with Hamilton about what can be said in public versus closed session:
Motion passes 4-2. [significant applause]
Item 10. Mr. Elliott explains the issue of the violation of Open Meetings Act in which Breuder’s contract got its third addendum. The Board is asking law enforcement to act in relation to the ruling that the OMA was violated.
Motion passes 4-1-1 (Wozniak abstains).