BOT Meeting–Post 3

Chairman Birt opens up the public comments section of the meeting but notes that there will only be 20 minutes of public comments given the late hour.

Objections from the audience.

Birt says there will be opportunities for public comments later.

*Glenn Hansen — Professor of Photography. CODFA President.

Good evening, I am Glenn Hansen, Professor of Photography.

It is August 21st, and on Monday I will walk into a classroom filled with new students who have great expectations for the next 16+ weeks. It is the most exciting day of the year and I continue to look forward to it after 32 years of teaching. My pulse will be higher and the adrenaline will be flowing. We, the students and I, are about to enter into an adventure of learning. It is the opportunity to be the catalyst that changes people’s lives that brings me to campus everyday. When I close the classroom door, it is me and my students, all the static goes away.

Those of us who have decided to be in the classroom are addicted to the rush that comes from teaching. This can only be appreciated if you have been in the classroom. No one will ever demand more of you than the students and of course yourself. At the end of the day, you know if was a good day or a bad day, no one has to tell you.

I look forward to sharing what I know with my students. For every student the treasure of knowledge will be different and that is exciting. This fall I return to classroom after a wonderful experience of spending a week with the primary developers of Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. For the third time, as one of only 20 professors from across the nation, I was introduced to new software features and asked to provide direction for the software’s future development. Adobe’s plan, and mine, is to make sure my colleagues and students benefit from my experience.

Tonight, I want to make note of one of the most exciting events for the Photography department is coming to our campus beginning October 2nd. Our 15th annual exhibition of the work our students produced in collaboration with DuPage Easter Seals will be displayed in the MAC Lobby. On this past Monday we made the final selection of images to be displayed, it is an amazing show. This life changing project is important to our students and the families of Easter Seals, I hope you will be able to attend the opening in Oct. 2nd opening at 6:00. You will then understand what I mean by “life changing”.

Thank you.

* Richard Jarman, Professor of Chemistry. CODFA Vice-President.

The new academic year always brings with it renewed hope and expectations for the incoming class of students. But that is next week, and today I spent some time with former students. To borrow an English phrase, I skived off inservice duties (with permission of course) to attend the final presentations of the two students that performed internships this summer at Northwestern University’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center through the Resource for Excellence Grant from the COD Foundation, which I obtained back in 2013, the first year of the program. You may have seen a feature about them from the Newsroom recently.

Do I need to emphasize that Northwestern is one of the world’s foremost scientific research institutions? These summer internships are extremely competitive, so the ability to leverage the Foundation’s funds is particularly valuable to secure opportunities for our students, where they are able to work alongside undergraduates and graduates from around the world. This grant was the more sweet because Northwestern agreed to match the COD funds, so we ended up with two for the price of one deal.

It has been my experience that research internships can have a transformative effect on a student’s career. For five years we were part of the National Science Foundation funded Undergraduate Research Collaborative that supported many students in internships during that period. In 2011 I presented three students to the COD board to mark their presentations that spring at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society. I showed a slide that evening that featured many of the participants in the URC.

I had occasion to revisit that slide recently when working on a presentation on undergraduate research. With three years separation, I was able to appreciate the impact of the research experience more profoundly. A few issues ago, COD This Week ran a piece on the increasing role of community colleges in the careers of medical school students. I realized that about half the names in the article were students on that slide. While the Chemistry Division of NSF may not appreciate its funds facilitating the embryo careers of future MDs, I will take it any time.

While we are always working hard to secure more funding from the likes of NSF to support students in the STEM disciplines, the competition is fierce and the success rate low. So I am grateful to the Foundation, as I am sure are the students, for providing this opportunity. Don’t worry, I will be back for more.

Dilyss Galyott. Professor of Nursing.

Good evening. I want to let you know that the remaining 4 or 5 faculty are conceding our time and relinquishing our time so that others will have the chance to speak. We will catch you another time.

Audience applause.

*COD Student presentations. Brad Setter.  President of PRIDE Alliance at COD last year. Wants to let BoT know about the new PRIDE Alliance — started 20 years ago. Notes the changes that have happened in the last 20 years to make the work of the PRIDE Alliance better, better received.

Audience member objects to the way the speakers are categorized, and wants to make sure taxpayers have the same amount of time to speak as students and employees. Wants the chance for the public to speak.

*Haroon Atcha. Speaks of his desire for the BoT to succeed. Has some recommendations. There were lots of criticisms but little suggestions. I want to change that. Here are reasonable proposals. 1) Gradually increase the nights students cook at the Waterleaf from 2 to 4 nights a week. 2) Have Waterleaf employ one COD graduate as a line chef upon graduation. Not a single chef now is a COD student or graduate.   3) Increase entry level staffing of Waterleaf.

Criticism is a constructive force not a destructive force.  We want the best for this college. Please respond to these proposals, Board of Trustees.

* Monica Dinh. Wants to speak to third proposal. COD has plenty of students with the experience to work in fine dining. The Board can help alleviate the hostility so many students feel towards the Waterleaf because it is so inaccesible to them.

All menial positions at Waterleaf should be student employees. Waterleaf should be fully staffed by students within two years.

*Stephanie Torres. It is important for COD to offer opportunities to students. Recently SLC attended a leadership retreat in Kalamazoo. Great leadership experience.  I’d like to talk about Chaparral Days. Great event that promotes college life. Finally, a personal comment. Thanks for the attempt to make college tuition more affordable.

*Miguel Marino.  IS disappointed at the drama he is hearing.  HE wonders if the people who are creating this drama are interested in November 4th or in the students.



*Laura Reigle. From Lamont. In July at the BoT meeting I presented data on enrollment.  Says that a small enrollment jump of recent years is being used to justify a 550 million construction boom.  Notes that this includes more office space than classroom space.  Has a row of highly paid administrators earns 2.4 million in annual compensation.  IS this a community college dedicated to the affordable education of working class students or an employment factory for highly paid administrators? Facts: Over the last 14 years enrollment has decreased by ____.  You are now overbuilt.  34,000 students in .   COD no has 9,000 on-line students but only an enrollment of 24,000 students (on campus?).  Criticizes “expansion for expansion sake.”

*Rick Skota. Hinsdale. 61 year resident of the district. 35 years of history educator in the district. I feel sad by what I am seeing here. Democracy is wonderful but it does not exist here.  The Bot played around for 20 minutes and started late and then went into closed session.

I want to speak to the Censure resolution. Dr. Brueder’s office was called yesterday but claimed not to know who was being censured.  Today they called again.  The Communications office was called and they didn’t know.

Dr . Brueder are you sleeping or avoiding us?

Censure is a word not found in state statute. You must post this 24 hours in advance but it wasn’t.

This is being used to bully and silence.

Censure is the refuge of scoundrels.

Withdraw the resolution of censure. It is counterproductive and illegal.

You run a meeting to stifle public discussion.

*Roger Kempa.  Former alumnus — class of ’76. I care about the students and this college. What it has become sickens me. I am here because of this page that says “censure
but there is nothing else written about it. I called the President’s office, Communications Office — who is being censured?  Answer:  We don’t know. All material will be provided Thursday evening. Is the resolution available to the public. The President’s office prepares the agenda but doesn’t know what the resolution is??? It makes no sense. Will a real Board member stand up and answer: Who is being censured?

You arrogant, very aloof people!

Birt responds: Be respectful! Speak in a respectful tone!

Skota: Talks about raising tuition and now lowering it….

Birt cuts him off and says the Board will proceed with the Consent Agenda.

Member of the audience protests the move to go to recess.

Trustee Savage moves to go to recess.

Comments from audience of disagreement and dismay.

All Trustees vote to move to recess except Hamilton who votes “NO.”

BoTrustees goes into a five minute recess.