Chair Hamilton asks for a motion to come out of closed session.
McGuire — States she will vote against the motion to terminate Brueder. She says there is not a real legal basis for firing him. She calls this move a politically charged vendetta. States that Erin Birt has told her that if she could be present tonight, she would also vote no.
Trustee Mazzochi– talks about the resolution that asked Brueder to surrender all devices provided to him by the college. Within hours Breuder’s IPAd was wiped clean and he was responsible for it. To date he hasn’t responded to BOt requests to explain this. Mazzochi quotes Breuder’s attorney noted that evidence must be preserved, and that is the standard Brueder must be held to.
Brueder has not responded in writing to these allegations though he was invited to.
Brueder was aware of improper election activities because his approval is all over the documents. This involved cash and time away from COD– real taxpayer dollars were taken from students and taxpayers
Brueder has not responded in writing to these allegations though he was invited to.
Mazzochi says that if this list is not enough cause for termination she wonders how far an employee would have to go to give cause for termination.
Trustee Bernstein — refers to the HLC Report. The issues identified in there are the reason we are having this vote tonight. E-mail regarding 20 million dollars from the State of Illinois, radio station improprieties, Faculty vote of no confidence, administrative expenses at the Waterleaf, the President’s contract and buyout, Foundation Board member contracts.The SLEA credit issue. Investment of funds. All of this was brought up by the HLC, all things to the detriment to the College, and all happened under Brueder’s watch. Disagrees that this is a political move. Instead, it is based on the evidence, the things mentioned in the HLC report.
Trustee Napolitano — want to add that we are coming to the end of a terrible chapter in COD’s long history. We have the chance to turn the final page on this bad chapter and going back to what this college was.
Chair Hamilton calls for a vote:
Turstee McGuire votes no. All other Trustees present vote yes. The motion to terminate the employment of Robert Brueder passes.
Chair Hamilton asks to add the full version of the faculty VNC to Item 6.
She asks for objections. She hears none.
Trustee Mazzochi talks about her experiences at the faculty in-service today and about her conversations with faculty.