Dec 18 BOT Post #3

President’s Report.

President Brueder says there will be two presentations.

First is Jim Bente. VP of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness.  Talks about surveys that are beginning.  “Community Pulse Research”  March of 2013.  400 residents of District 502 for information and in 2014, 18 months later did a secondary survey.

Introduces Mr. Saltz, President of Comiskey Research who COD outsourced for this research project. Comiskey Research conducted the follow-up research. A 39 year business with many clients including other community colleges. Discusses methodology and results of phone surveys. Reports that COD came in 4th after UIC, U of I, NIU then COD when asked the first question  “when you think of colleges and universities in Illinois, which ones come to mind?” He reports on the survey which consisted of several more questions, including whether or not COD should offer 4 year programs, and how much reserve revenue in the fund balance COD should keep in case the college had unforeseen circumstances. 74% said the College should have 12 months of funds in reserve for this. I can tell you that your District wants you to have cash reserves. Another question of residents was about how much tax paid to COD is a reasonable expenditure to keep the College programs going.  His conclusion: the people in your District value education.

Hamilton asks about the way the questions are framed.  Saltz says the questions were a joint project framed together with Bente as a team. Hamilton asks how many people in the survey were from other counties. To what extent did you get into Will County and Cook County?

Svoboda says “very interesting information, Can I get a copy of the report?” The report will be put together at a later date.

Bente says that anyone who rated COD at a 5 or below was asked for further comments. Some respondents rated us low because they thought we should get more money. Bente then compares the 2013 and 2014 surveys.  He notes the surveys were different so they can’t be compared one on one.

Value, Image/Reputation/Bachelor’s Degrees.

All three categories went up from 2013 to 2014.

I’ll leave you with that because those are pretty striking changes.

Hamilton says that we see there is a marked increase in the top box but she notes that it is important to note that in survey research it is very important to look at how questions were framed.  She wonders if there were changes in the way the questions were framed.

Hamilton notes that the questions were posed in two different ways on those surveys and therefore she questions whether there is really validity to this follow-up surveys.says she rejects the conclusion that Bente and this research company have drawn.

Mr. Saltz responds that he feels comfortable with the conclusions.  Sometimes numbers are not statistically significant.

Hamilton thanks him. She says it is misleading.

Savage says it should be posted on the website.

Hamilton says it shouldn’t because it is flawed.

Earl Dowling speaks next. He holds up a copy of the latest IMPACT, the promotional magazine published by COD. He says 5 years ago they set up a goal to become the primary institution that District residents choose when they go to their post secondary education.  We made a plan and put the plan into motion. Enrollment targets and new buildings. Our enrollment is up 10%.

This evening I want to share with you some new news. Community College Week, ranks COD as the fastest growing community college in the nation. Fall 2012 to fall 2013 stats show an increase in enrollment.



She notes a lot of people don’t understand statistics. Hamilton