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2/18/16 BOT meeting agenda #9

Agenda item: APPROVAL of Request by Illinois State’s Attorney’s Office for copies of verbatim record of closed sessions of the Board of Trustees from February 2014 and March 2014.

McGuire argues that there has to be a subpoena or court order to justify release of closed session records, since there are confidential records involved. It will open the college to further liability/litigation. There must be a protective order.

Bernstein asks for Counsel to comment. Counsel states that the protective order is already in place and that is provided by statute.

Lengthy exchange follows with Birt and Counsel taking haughty tones. Split vote on this item, 4-3 with the boycotters voting no.

2/18/16 BOT meeting agenda #8 Consent Agenda

Birt pulled Item D and McGuire pulled item L from the consent agenda.

All other items pass unanimously. Olsen mentions his pleasure that his first vote includes granting faculty tenure.

Item D is on the table, Curricunet contract. Birt asks for counsel to comment on tying the hands of future boards, considering that this is a 3-year contract with automatic renewal. Counsel says that issue does not apply to services or commodities. Only applies to contracts in employment agreements.

Item D is then approved by unanimous vote.

Item L, external audit services RFP. McGuire raises some issues with RFP language, corrections. Also raises issue of three-year contract with auditor, is this a problem? Counsel says that it is services, not an employment contract. Other details are discussed. This RFP is urgent, Dishner says. They agree to amend the motion so that language can be corrected and the RFP issued without needed further BOT action. Amendment passes unanimously. After more discussion, the main motion passes.


2/18/16 BOT meeting agenda #7

Long exchange on information item 7b, financial statements. McGuire raises questions about investments, disposal of depreciated equipment, responses from Alix Partners consultant who has been cleaning up accounting practices.

7d McGuire asks about money remaining in construction contingency fund for Naperville Center. Response from Schmeidle. There are some needs for new handicapped signage then the rest will be turned over.

7g McGuire very excited about the new farm program.

BOT Meeting 2/18/16 agenda #6 Reports

Chairman’s report: a quick rundown of future meeting topics and plan for getting board business back on track.

Student Trustee report: Black History Month statement. Invited speaker Princess White, sophomore English major, recounted history of Black History Month. Acknowledges hard sacrifices that made her own opportunities possible. Calls for unity of one race, the human race.

President’s report: establishment of task force to address HLC probation, enrollment numbers holding up well in light of overall decline in community college enrollment statewide. Return to regular employees in Finance Dept.

Presidential Search Committee, Lee Daniels: Reviewed committee’s work so far. So far 385 applications received, very wide variety of applicants. Consultants reduced to 64 qualified, now down to 20 after phone interviews. These will be interviewed by consultants, the committee does not have the names of the final 20. Continuing to review new potential candidates as well. Next round will be 12 candidates presented to the committee confidentially. Interviews in closed sessions, following Open Meetings protocol.

McGuire expressed concerns about Hay & Co being the search firm, not qualified, inappropriate, will have a problem with any candidate brought forward by this firm. Some search committee members too close to former chair. Questions whether a subgroup of the committee is operating as a committee of the whole.

Daniels says that the committee so far has been very pleased with what they have gotten from the consultants. Also names committee members and states their commitment to the betterment of the college.

McGuire brings up language of contract in which Hay agreed to terms based on hiring other execs in addition to president. Repeats that she does not trust process, does not trust this firm.

Daniels tries to placate her, says please wait for the recommendations of the committee before making a judgment. There is no preconceived notion of who the president should be.

Exchange between Mazzochi and McGuire about the contract with Hay and the multiple searches. McGuire worried about the expenses outlined in the RFP for the other searches, which are now not being conducted by that firm. Mazzochi tries to shut down the question saying that the contract would have to be discussed in closed session.

There are a few other exchanges between Daniels and trustees.

2/18/16 Hansen and Jarman comments

Good evening, I’m Glenn Hansen, president of the Faculty Association and Senate.

Tonight is an important night for many of our colleagues, on behalf of the full-time faculty I would like to extend our congratulatory wishes to the faculty members who are being recognized by being awarded tenure by you tonight. While there are state laws that govern tenure of college faculty, it is the recognition of this significant milestone by you that is very important. It is an achievement that all faculty members strive for.

This evening is also an important night for COD. We have again seven trustees. We hope this guarantees a quorum for every meeting moving forward. Thank you Mr. Olsen for accepting this important position. Welcome to COD.

We hope that tonight also marks the end of the bad public behavior that has led to probation for COD. When members of the Board abdicated the responsibility to select the 7th trustee, you lost your right to complain. It is time to sit down and conduct business. Agree on the College business that is prepared and brought forward. Leave the partisan politics at the door and when appropriate agree to disagree, politely and professionally. Please.

RIchard Jarman, VP COD Faculty Assn.

The number seven has preoccupied the college community these past 60 days (poetically that should have been perhaps 70 days, or 70 times seven, though that would have been agonizingly too long). Seven is divine perfection and so here, if not divine, is a perfect board numerically at least. Seven is a number of unusual prominence in many areas of human enterprise, religious, spiritual, cultural and mathematical, many familiar and many obscure.

Who does not know the seven deadly sins (or perhaps committed some of them), the seven rings of the malebolge, the seven days of creation? Seven appears more than fifty times in the book of Revelation alone (I won’t bore you with all those). In Eastern traditions there are the seven Chakras; in Hinduism, the seven worlds and the seven seas. And how many places have seven hills?

In modern culture, Snow White had her seven dwarfs; there is a seven-year itch, and Seven Samurai and seven brides for all those brothers. One man in his time plays many parts, His Acts being seven ages.

I learn from Wikipedia (where else) that, in mathematics, seven, the fourth prime number, is not only a Mersenne prime but also a double Mersenne prime. It is also a Newman–Shanks–Williams prime, a Woodall prime, a factorial prime, a lucky prime, a happy number (happy prime), a safe prime (the only Mersenne safe prime), and the fourth Heegner number. Fancy that.

The following is with specific reference to our new Trustee, Number Seven, David Olsen. In numerology, the number 7 is the seeker, the thinker, the searcher of Truth, (qualities we value in our leaders). The 7 doesn’t take anything at face value — it is always trying to understand the underlying, hidden truths. No pressure here Trustee Olsen. The 7 knows that nothing is exactly as it seems and that reality is often hidden behind illusions. The 7 is the intellectual. The 7 hates gossip and is immune to back-stabbing – a quality highly apropos for one in public service. The 7 well never make a decision based on an expected financial outcome.

All that by way of welcoming Trustee David Olsen to the table. The days of nonsense are over. I think you are already aware of the supreme importance of the next few months. The changes set in motion last year must continue. The new president must be identified in a timely fashion though not overly hastily. The business of removing the scarlet letter of probation must be completed effectively and in some great part this must happen around this table.

Thank you.

BOT Meeting 2/18/16 agenda #1-5

There have been technical difficulties with the audio tonight and we do not have a blogger in the room. Regrettably, we were not able to capture the new trustee’s introductory remarks.

We pick up with some of the public comments starting at about 7:20pm. Faculty leadership’s comments will be posted in full in a separate post.

Several speakers commented favorably on the new free speech policy and thanked Dr. Collins for its implementation.

Laura Riegle spoke about the downgraded bond rating and chided the boycotting trustees.

Mike McPherson spoke about photos of the college sports teams.

Bill Graham, local resident, supports new trustee Olsen and expresses thanks for willingness to serve. Looks forward to less drama and more business being done.

Clare Ball, member of local Libertarian group. Welcomes David Olsen but protests the process of his selection, disregarding existing pool of candidates. Selection was politically motivated. States that she is angry only at the boycotting trustees who gave up their vote.

John Kraft, Edgar County Watchdogs. References drama created by the boycotting trustees and their dysfunctional legacy.

Roger Kempa. A lot is being rammed through this meeting, lacking documentation. Discussed goal of new financial policy to create more transparency.

Miguel Marino, was involved with student government and later a COD employee, still has faith in board to find balance. Congratulations to Trustee Olsen. Young people can take on big roles. Don’t fear conflict, it is a step toward change and progress.

Kirk Allen, downgrading by S&P traces directly back to bad governance. Asks that all trustee and administrator wine/dines be reimbursed to the college. Points to collusion between Breuder and BOT Chairs Birt and Carlin. Closed session recordings must be released. Voting against it says you have something to hide. References how the Watchdogs have found a second secret contract with no work product, made by Glaser, that the BOT had no knowledge of. Pursue criminal charges for theft of taxpayer funds.

Paul Lefort, 47-year DuPage resident. Support of ethics training on the agenda tonight, lists details of 10 serious ethics breaches.

Keith Yearman, Prof of Geography. ICCB has been silent or inactive when complaints brought to their attention about issues at COD. Apparently has no enforcement authority. Its own executive says it is a primarily a coordinating board. Legislature gave it no oversight authority or neutered it over the years. Call upon Jeanne Ives to lead effort to give it more authority.



Special Meetings 2/3/2016

The two factions of the BOT each called a meeting for this evening. The boycott trustees called theirs at 5:30pm, and the Clean Slate called theirs at 7pm. The agendas and board packets are the same.

The bloggers will not be covering tonight’s meetings. We encourage everyone to watch the live stream at this link:

As usual, we refrain from editorial comment.

BOT 1/21/2016 Napolitano account of conversation with McGuire

Full text of Secretary Napolitano’s comment during open Trustee discussion:

Madame Chair,

 I have decided tonight to discuss a conversation I had with Trustee McGuire in the days after Chairman Hamilton resigned.  I do not do so lightly. 

I do so because last Thursday, Trustee McGuire refused to honor State’s Attorney Berlin’s request for our February and March 2014 closed session recordings. Trustee McGuire refused to cooperate with law enforcement, causing COD to impede a law enforcement investigation.

In fact, I do so also because we have no reason to think, based on their statements and recent actions, that our three fellow trustees will return to their posts before the Illinois Community College Board chairman appoints a seventh trustee, whoever that may be. 

In light of these facts, I think the public has a right to know what Trustee McGuire said to me in that conversation, and to determine for itself what it means for College of DuPage.

To remind everyone, we learned that Chairman Hamilton resigned on the evening of Sunday, December 13.  We had a regular meeting planned for the evening of Thursday, December 17.  On Wednesday December 16th, I called Trustee McGuire to discuss the upcoming meeting.

Trustee McGuire took the opportunity to solicit my support for her bid to chair the COD Board.  She asked me to “stand with her Joe and Erin” and to support her for Chairman.

Trustee McGuire said she would overrule the prior Board and its findings, and to overturn the voiding of President Breuder’s contract.  She said she might put Dr. Breuder back on administrative leave, or on campus, but she thought reinstating President Breuder was the right thing to do, that he deserved his $762,000, and it would likely end his lawsuit.

Trustee McGuire also said she would overrule acting interim president Collins and re-instate Tom Glaser and Lynn Sapyta. Again, she said this was the right thing to do.

Trustee McGuire said she would fire our three law firms, and bring back the very attorneys who in my opinion, enabled or participated in the prior board’s actions that have come under so much scrutiny.

I agreed to discuss these items with her at the December 17th meeting, however she wasn’t here to discuss them. I would have also discussed them with her January 7th, 14th or tonight, but she was not in attendance.

As we saw last week, when Trustee McGuire absolutely refused to grant State’s Attorney Berlin his request, Trustee McGuire said she would cease cooperation with the United States Department of Justice in its investigation of all that happened here.

Her points are not too surprising.  They flow from positions taken here, back when she came to meetings. 

Trustee McGuire has made false accusations about our attorneys to the ARDC.  She has maligned other service providers.  She has said she knows better than the FBI what happened here, and that it is time for the FBI to go home. 

Trustee McGuire has decided to disregard the wants and needs of the voters who put us here.

I am hopeful we can come together to find a new trustee and we can continue to reform the College of DuPage, which is what the public has demanded. The taxpayers, the students and the faculty deserves a College that is moving forward not one returning to the way things were, that led us to where we are today.

Thank you.

Frank Napolitano

BOT 1/21/2016 other agenda items

There were a few questions/comments about items listed on the consent agenda.

Bernstein addresses the absent trustees and asks that the consent agenda be the agenda for the special meeting next Thursday so that items crucial to the operation of the college can be dealt with.

Napolitano describes a conversation he had with McGuire just after learning of Hamilton’s resignation. McGuire asked Napolitano to support her for chairman and said that she wanted to overturn the voiding of Breuder’s contract. She wanted to bring him back and end his lawsuit, as well as reinstate Glazer and Spayta. She said she would cease cooperation with investigations. Other details about the attorneys.

Mazzochi points out RFP in current board packet for board training in ethics and governance. Will not be issued until there is a board quorum. Hopes that by continuing trustee discussions, will be able to move quickly through backlog of business. Closes meeting.

BOT 1/21/2016 HLC response discussion

Mazzochi launched into another commentary about COD’s response to the HLC findings. She expressed concerns about the memo circulated earlier today, not sure that enough is being done.

Collins and Mazzochi faced off. Collins says that the board is not here, and that three trustees cannot give him direction. They go back and forth. “You can’t discipline me.” “That sounds like a threat.” Mazzochi insists that it is worthwhile to have the trustees who are present ask questions and give feedback. Collins says that he has extensive expertise with HLC and has served as reviewer himself. They should trust his expertise and know that he is doing his best to use that expertise. Mazzochi comments that despite his expertise, we find ourselves on probation.

The tone of this is tense…. goes on for a while.

Mazzochi says that the SLEA situation is a perfect example of her concerns about a lack of “soul searching”: it’s not enough to stop awarding the credit; she wants to know what structural or systemic issues allowed this to happen, and/or what personnel were responsible, and how have these been resolved? Kartje is called on, says she will provide report later. More discussion between Mazzochi and Joe about the SLEA whistleblower and whether faculty concerns are taken seriously.

Roark says that she wants to see more progress on faculty – administration relations.

Bernstein says that he would like to see the response further fleshed out.

Mazzochi responds to Roark that she had wanted to include a presentation on the reasons for the VNC on this meeting’s agenda but postponed until there can be a quorum.