Author Archives: Admin

Bot March 19 Mtng Post 4

Roger Kempa- Your audit firm has already been on board for 6 years. It’s time for a rotation. I want to talk about minutes — the last Bot meeting — I said there is not adequate information to speak about tuition and fees so I recommend you table that.  That’s what I said. But there seems to be a lot of problems with the minutes.

Going back to April 16 2009  BoT meeting — when you discussed the amendment to Brueder’s contract.  Absent was Trustee Wessel, however she had a comment. She said she regretted not being able to attend, but she asked that the item be removed from the agenda. Because of this history it would be incorrect for the current Bot to act on this.

Glenn Hansen, President COD Faculty Association

Good evening, I’m Glenn Hansen, President of the Faculty Association and Faculty Senate. Tonight, I will address item 9.B.3

I seriously considered not speaking tonight because you don’t comprehend anything I say. I have never expected a trustee to be anything but a critical thinker, exactly what we expect of our students.  You’ve failed, beyond what anyone would think capable.

Last week, I sent an email to all of you stating that faculty believed you should put Robert Breuder on paid administrative leave while you investigated the accusations your constituents are making. You only had to read your own policies to consider his responsibility to protect the image of the College to find justification. You have suspended other employees for far less.  But, your response was silence; Thank you, that is what I had hoped for.

Tonight, you will hire a public image firm that has been hired and is working for one of your law firms to manage the mess you created.  Is this out of sequence, or is it a case of “who’s on first”? This is the same PR firm, hired by the Carlin and McKinnon to manage the crisis resulting from the Carlin/McKinnon coup of Memorial Day 2008. That was the College take over that resulted in hiring of Dr. Breuder after they fired Dr. Chand.

At that time the Board at least hired the Res Publica Group before they created the crisis. Tonight, you are hiring them a year too late. I seriously don’t think they can protect you from yourselves. We would not be here if you would have done the easy and right thing in June, instead you continue to make everything worse. Or did you intentionally bring this down on COD?

Tonight. Go into closed session, read The Emperor’s New Clothes (it’s free online), come out, and vote to end this tonight. Anything less is another misstep that will hurt everyone. Accept ownership of your failures.

Richard Jarman, Vice President CODFA  08B1 A Regular BoT Minutes

Agenda item 08.B.1)a Regular Board Meeting Minutes February 19, 2015

I am coming before you to request the minutes from last month’s meeting be amended to represent my statement accurately and completely. Currently it reads, “Richard Jarman spoke regarding the naming of the HEC Building.”

I request that my complete statement, entitled “Resolution to rescind naming of the HEC building,” be entered into the minutes in its entirety. I note that you have the full statement as I sent it via email. It consists of one paragraph, two sentences and 63 words. It is not burdensome.

Before you tell me that it is not the practice of the board to publish full texts I can point to a couple of precedents from past board packets. In the June 2013 packet, minutes of the May BoT meeting, under the comments from employees, appears a lengthy piece from Mr. Dusik – some 597 words. In the May 16 packet, minutes of the April BoT meeting, an even lengthier testimonial regarding the presentation of the Presidential Medal to outgoing Chair Carlin, which runs to over 1300 words. Admittedly it is not in the comments section but nonetheless demonstrates that the publication of full transcripts is possible.

A cynic might conclude that only statements that cast the board and or the president in a favorable light are included while those that might present a more critical view – witness the words “vote of no confidence” not appearing in the minutes originally.

The minutes are a record for history, long after the video tapes have been erased and the memories of the witnesses faded. Therefore I find it important that they be complete and accurate.

End of public comments related to the agenda.

Chair Birt asks for items from the consent agenda to be removed.

Trustee Hamilton asks for the following:

8A3, AB and C;   8B2, A and B.

Birt asks for motion to approve all other. Motion by Svoboda, seconded by O Donnell

Secretary reads items from the consent agenda.

Roll call for the consent agenda- unanimous approval.

Entertain a motion to approve 8 A 3, B and C

Trustee Hamilton– these items are entitled financial statements and given this college’s recent history of reporting fraud waste and abuse — we cannot approve these items until we fix these problems.

All trustees approve these items except Hamilton. Motion passes.

8 B2– This section is entitled financial reports. It has within it the very famous imprest accounts. The BoT has refused to codify its disclosure of items in this account. It’s being displayed in this report without any kind of policy back-up. This financial process has resulted in fraud, waste and abuse. The BoT is in complete denial and refuse to take seriously of an audit committee that is brought up to best practice. There is no reason for our taxpayers to settle for anything less than the best.

Trustee Savage: Are there any areas of fraud, waste and abuse in this month’s report?

TRustee Hamilton: I’ve made my statement.

Hamilton: It’s not up to best practices.

Svoboda– We do have an audit committee.

Hamilton: That committee does not come up to best practices.

Wozniak — I would also like to ask what specific item she is referring to.

Hamilton: A year ago I handed everyone on this Bot a blue booklet explaining what would be best practices for thie Board.

Hamilton: I am referring to the financials Joe.

McGuire– what examples of fraud, waste, and abuse.

Hamilton: My suggestion is to take out the newspaper.

McGuire: What examples do you have? There aren’t any this month.

Hamilton: I do not have faith in our system and therefore I am not voting for these reports. Read the papers.

McGuire: This is the same problem at the last meeting when you said hte minutes were not right but you did not have one example.

Hamilton: There is a process.

Hamilton: The specific is the process itself.

Roll call on these items: All vote yes except Trustee Hamilton.






BOT Meeting March 19 Post 3.

Paul LaForte.

I have observed a Board that does not want the public to see important information (lists various things the Board has not revealed willingly)

This Board has failed us. But fortunately there is an election coming up. A Board member should be smart, honest and engaged with a high integrity level, willing to take on Administration’s decisions. Looking for rationale on the cash reserve. Representing the students, public and faculty. Not just the administration.

It’s time for a true watchdog and a bulldog for this institution.

Claire Ball. 9B3

Really? You’re voting to spend money to hire on a PR firm. You’re not actually fixing anything. It doesn’t matter. The real issues are not being addressed. You’re only throwing money away. You can put lipstick on a pig but….do I need to finish that sentence?  This si the wrong way to handle the problems at COD. The problem, not the symptoms, need to be addressed. Covering your mistakes is not going to work. You want to save face. Start by saying no on item 9B3.

Dan Bailey — I’m a 30 year resident of DuPage County, COD graduate. I have a 60 day plan to fix the issues at COD. My proposed 60 day plan includes an independent legal investigation to look into legal issues surrounding Breuder’s contract, a serious investigation of WDCB radio station, a serious discussion of the 4-year college debate, reviewing no-bid contract process, reviewing the high reserve fund we keep.  We need to produce details of the money actually spent on construction, as opposed to what had been planned. Reserving a 10 minute section of each BoT meeting to answer factual questions. Answering public questions and avoiding expensive FOIAS.  Avoiding making important decisions in closed session.  When I am elected in April, I will bring these and many other issues. I will be a watchdog, bulldog, and clean-up crew.

Miguel Marino– I speak as student, community member. I am not concerned with the political parties of the candidates. I am concerned about the community. But the media bias has distorted our impression, blinded by mixed emotion. And it is easy for people to take advantage of us. But we the people give the power and we have the power to take it away. I wish I could see people’s intentions. But in this chaos we are missing the big picture. We are all connected. We are all unit. If one part fails to deliver, all suffer. We have forgotten about the community. COD supports students. Think of it as a car. If the engine or the wheels do not work, then the car cannot move. If it does not have the right driver, it cannot move forward. Apart from all the negative students we have forgotten that COD is far ahead of the competition and we should be proud of it. We are moving though we have hit some bumps in the road. We must elect people who can keep the big picture in mind. I am here to remind you that even though we all have different interests

Kirk Allen  9B3 Having run over 100 public meetings, and attended many more than that…how can this College hire a PR firm on March 5th before the Board votes on it tonight? Instead, approve the state’s audit.  Lots of  claims of being transparent but not a peep from this Bot on the FOIA lawsuit we filed? Instead of claiming you don’t have documents responsive, now you are telling me you cannot locate any records. Ask your attorneys right now if they have ever represented Brueder as his private attorney? Just ask. Why is it so hard to answer? We had to sue to get records on the radio station released. Your lawyers have free rein to do what they want. You have concealed public records, which is a felony.  There are 35 documents that were concealed form me, that I have now seen from Hansen’s records.  Now you have hired a pr firm who  just happens to be on the board of US Bank?

John Kraft– When I heard you were going to spend public money on a pr film, I was wondering, why would they go through the attorney? Why would the attorney hire the PR firm. I just figured it out about 5 minutes ago. You are trying to claim attorney client privilege on all the documents you will provide to the pr film. But attorney client privilege is destroyed when you have a third party.  Anything the PR films writes about, any paper work you give them — I will be requesting a copy of it. I want to make sure the pr film is not going to pull the wool over our eyes as I believe they will., You can’t give exclusive access to public records which is what you want to do by going through an attorney.  The College is at financial liability for all information provided by or directed to Res Public. Anything you give them, you will have to defend it — with our money.

Representative Jeanne Ives. I came to speak to the BoT because the Bot will not speak to us. We sent out a request to  conduct a performance audit. We gave you a good estimate of the cost. There is only one e-mail for the Board by the way so I hope you all saw it. I have called Chair Birt but she has not called me back. The Bot does not want to talk to me. The letter came back from the attorney, not from the Chair.  As far as I know, only Mr. Florey is involved in the discussion. He asked us to talk about the audit.  There is no negotiating the scope and terms of an audit when the auditor conducts it. It’s pathetic that I have to come to speak to the Bot in this manner because the Bot refuses to speak to me. Who speaks for the board? Is it only Mr Florey because he is the only one who speaks to me. I’ve also learned that pr film is already back-channeling information to other folks, they have already started working before you vote to hire them today. Today the media called me — they asked, do you think they will approve this firm? I said I always hope that people will do the right thing.


March 19 BOT Meeting Post 2

7:46 The meeting is back in session.

Secretary O Donnell calls roll.

All trustees are present.

Agenda-related public comments.

Laura Reigle. In the Tribune on January 28, 2015, the Trib editorial said that 6 members of the COD Bot have failed the students parents and taxpayers who relied on them. Regarding finances.  Tonight you are approving (on the agenda) a contract with the PR film Res Publica. That contract is for public relations when the college already has Joseph Moore, at 171,000 a year salary, to be the COD public relations person. IT is not necessary if we are going to still employ Mr Moore to have a 250.00 an hour public relations film. That could be 500,000. a year,.  This is a potential conflict of interest  — the P.R. films you are looking at is on the USBank Board — the same Board that Breuder sits on.  This is a blank check to a p.r. film that is going through our attorney sitting next to the chair tonight. Do you realize there are no caps in this contract. And considering it was signed by the attorney on March 5,one can assume that in good faith they have started working for the college.

Clayton Turner. I will yield my time to Trustee Hamilton to speak on this topic.

Trustee Hamilton steps up to speak.

Birt says that Hamilton as Trustee “claims” she is speaking to 93 and 3A

Unreality pervades at this meeting. No mention of Jeannie Ives, no mention of the  state auditor general, none of the state’s performance audit, or your blown deadline of last week. Nothing on the agenda of the Trib’s coverage of Brueder using the Waterleaf as his private bar.  Not the radio station, the arrest of John Valenta, failing to document businesses on campus for property taxes. No real detail — as with the golden handshake, you did the wrong thing the wrong way. So this week you said no to the state auditor general and no to the truth. And yes to spinners. And then you act like nothing has happened and all is well. All is not well. Scandal has overtaken you. Taxpayers at COD still do not count. Only insiders. And change cannot come soon enough.

Mark Misiorowski. Regarding businesses on campus have not paid their property taxes. Hiring a PR firm will not fix this. Hiring  a PR firm from Chicago will not address. Today the Daily Herald issues numerous examples of COD offering no-bid firms.  Herricane Graphics ==being hired for architect services. Questions are now arising htat the head of that company is not an architect.  The COD faculty has lost all faith and confidence in this institution’s president.  Hiring a PR firm from Chicago will not fix all that. So what is your true motive in hiring a PR firm from Chicago.

BOT Meeting March 19 Post

BoT meeting is called to order. Chair Birt asks the audience to rise and say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call — All Trustees present.

Motion by McGuire, second by Svoboda, to approve the agenda.

Agenda approved.

Chair Birt calls for the Board to go into closed session.

COD lawyer reads a list of all possible reasons for the BoT to go into closed session.

Trustee Savage moves, seconded by O’Donnell.

Svoboda asks to allow the students and faculty who are present to talk first so they do not have to wait. Chair Birt explains that student and faculty presentations were moved to the front of the agenda and that the closed session should be brief. If the session goes on longer than anticipated, the BoT will take a break and hear from students then.

The closed session was moved to the front of the schedule.

President Breuder is not present.

March 19, 2015 – setting up for the crowd

COD’s “living room” is being furnished for guests: throughout the day the seats, sound system, and decorations are put in place.

Seating for the trustees, behind a cordon, under enormous banner - Welcome to the New School of Thought

Seating for the trustees, behind a cordon, under enormous banner – Welcome to the New School of Thought

COD Board Meeting, March 19

Just a reminder the next COD Board of Trustees meeting is tomorrow, Thursday, March 19 at 7 pm, at the following location:

College of DuPage, Main Campus
Student Services Center Living Room (SSC-2206)
425 Fawell Boulevard
Glen Ellyn, Illinois

The Board packet is posted on the COD Board of Trustees website.

CODAA Forum Post 7

Wozniak: Work for the best at COD. I would work to stabilize. We need to find a highly qualified person who follows the Bot and does not have a record of buyouts and votes of no confidence. We should appoint a female president. It would be the first for COD’s history.

Mazzochi: Fundamentally the Board needs real oversight. I am qualified. In my private sector work I’ve investigated large companies with complex bureaucracies. We need to return the Bot focus to providing quality education. In a way that allows the public to trust that the BoT is working towards the public interest. It’s time for a change on the Board. My first run for office. What’s going on here disturbed me so much I decided to do something about it. I’m tired of organizations that do not protect the people they are supposed to. Bi-partisan support exists for the type of change I will bring. I’ve been endorsed by faculty union, Tea Party, and Kathy Hamilton.

Carlin: Did I mention I haven’t been on the BoT for the last two years? I’m glad I haven’t been. I ran in 2013 and ran up short — came in 3rd. I had an empty feeling in my stomach when I read the articles because of where this Board has gone. The actions of individual trustees have caused it to go in that direction. I hope to get back on the Board and work for the good of this community. I ask the average voter to take the time to understand the issues. Don’t let politics harm this issue.

Svoboda: I am a trustee now, there is a value in retaining trustees. Building relationships, refining skills — it takes time and goes beyond one term. There has been a revolving door of trustees. This has last to problem. Experience such as mine is important. My accumulated knowledge is a solid foundation upon which to build. I have a history with COD because I worked her. I honor COD’s history of excellence. I added a section on the agenda for student comments. Because I have a history that dates back to 1972 I am now on the 50 year anniversary steering committee. I am an asset to COD and I would like to continue to serve.

Bernstein: We’ve heard that enrollment is steady and the college is in financial good shape.  (He says that there is a lot of hemorrhaging because of lack of oversight — for example a person approving his own invoices at the radio station, the losses of the Waterleaf restaurant.) We don’t know the underlying documentation behind the losses because Breuder will not tell us. Where else in the college    35 million institutional and administrative expenses — first time in history that the faculty has had a VNC in the President– you can say that COD is in a bad position and we need real reformers to turn it around.

Pihos: Our greatest resource are the people who live in DuPAge County and we need to give the taxpayer a full accounting. I am qualified to serve because as as state representative I spoke for important committees and appropriations including elementary education. I passed several laws on transparency. I served on DuPage County Workforce Development Board, Legislative Audit commissions which is what we need now. I had to learn to scrutinize budgets to find smoke and mirror budgets. I worked through a strike, worked with the teachers unions, AFSCME. This would give me the chance to hone my leadership skills. I have experience in areas where the college needs investment. I have experience with COD and know deeply the issues that the college faces.

Gambs: I would first like to thank you as a first time candidate. Today has been incredibly useful as a stakeholder and a candidate. I am a trustee right now at my Alma Mater. I have walked into dysfunctional situations and turned something around. I have spent this last month with all these candidates and all candidates are very passionate about COD. I will listen to all sides. I have learned how to pour cold water warmly and also to listen quietly when somebody yells at me because he disagrees. I know how to deal with these situations.

Savage: We have a great college. IT’s a place where we educate our neighbors and friends. It’s where our neighbors and friends work and educate because they care. We must not be distracted from our mission. Running around and making a lot of noise doesn’t fix the problem, you need to get in there, find out what the problems are. I am committed to keeping the cost of the college low. We are not the same college we were 30 years ago — we have the second largest enrollment in Illinois, and are the fastest growing cc outside of California. Our community supports the college. I am proud of my role here.

Bailey: We’ve already spent too much time and anxiety on what doesn’t work at COD. My pledge is to be a vigorous watchdog and a relentless bulldog to challenge anything that doesn’t serve students and their teachers. Independent legal investigation of the secret contract extensions and their relationship. Serious investigation of the WDCB radio station.

4th strategies to determine future — do we want more vp’s? dorms? convention center? unfinished construction projects?

I will be the watchdog for transparency.

Ball: Thank you CODAA. Accountants are tasked with the duty of explaining the why of everything we do. I have a thorough skill set, objectivity, thoroughness. I am not an experienced public speaker but I am a person of integrity in a profession that holds high ethical standards.   As a libertarian I am not influenced by the initials behind anybody’s name. I will help wrest COD out of the grip of insiders.

Napolitano: There are many great things that happen at COD. We need to elect people who can help get a transparent process where all stakeholders communicate better. I’ve served on Board before and accomplished those things. We need to hear from faculty and staff and the public when they come to BoT meetings to speak. The President serves at the pleasure of the Board, and the Board at the pleasure of the people, and we seem to have forgotten that recently.

Kempa: I want to represent the taxpayer and the students. There is a shortage of representation on the BoT at this time. I am independent. Not beholden to any party any politician. I’m not a johnny come lately. I attend Board meetings. I’ve been doing my homework. I believe in term limits. I’m here to do a job for 6 years and get it done. I don’t ant to be here forever.

Moderator asks for a round of applause for the candidates.

CODAA Forum Post 6

For Kempa: Is it okay appropriate for a Trustee to leak confidential information to community watchdog groups and the press?

Kempa: No I don’t with one exception. If there is something illegal going on you go to the States attorney but if something is what you consider immoral you don’t release it to the press.

Napolitano: The appropriate action would be to go to the States Attorneys general. I did that twice while serving on the U- District — I believed that things were being discussed in closed session that should not have.

Ball; CPAs performing an audit are required to, if they come across shady dealings, illegal actions, are required to bring it to management. if management does nothing they need to take it higher, including eventually state bodies.

Bailey: You wouldn’t want to disclose confidential information unless it was illegal. Sometimes the definition of confidentiality is questionable. I would like to discuss important issues and bring them to light when that needs to happen. But I do not want to disclose confidential information that could harm people.

Savage: I do not believe that confidential info should be leaked to the press. There are appropriate ways that that should be done. In 2014 we established an ethics hotline that bypasses the presidents office. We don’t try things in the press.

Gambs: No we don’t leak to the press. I support hotlines. If something is illegal we should report it to the States Attorney General.

Pihos: Trustees are absolutely obligated to keep information confidential. There are state authorities to report  a finding.

Bernstein: You shouldn’t do it. But what if it’s really really costly, and really really stupid, and its going to get passed if you don’t do something about it? It isn’t so clear cut. There are situations where it is justified.

Svoboda: I believe in confidentiality. I have roots in that kind of ethical stance having been a counselor for thirty years working with students. There is gradation among trustees about what is…going to the newspapers is not the way to go.

Carlin: I wish I had more time to talk about this one. We’ve all heard about the radio station. There is one trustee who called me personally about the radio station, called the press….you should never leak material from a closed session. All Trustee Hamilton needed to do was go to the States attorney.

Mazzochi: You don’t lose your freedom of speech just because you are in a closed session. As a trustee you have to decide what is your responsibility. There are grey areas. There are areas that are covered by law, such as students information.

Wozniak: Board members should not leak information. There are legal ways of doing it.

NEW QUESTION FOR ALL CANDIDATES: What is your single most important improvement that you can do for our students if elected?

Gambs: Technology, infractructure.

Savage: Tools that they need to complete our school

Bailey: Improve counseling, increase the number of  counselors. Decrease student debt.

Ball: Open the books, clean out the expenses and stop paying on large questionable things.

Napolitano: Work with business leaders to make sure students are college or work ready

Kempa: An alumi association.

Pihos: Assess support services we have and make sure they are all in place so students

Bernstein: stop the hemorrhaging of the cash, pay our faculty what they deserve, get more permanent faculty.

Svoboda: We need to reactivate the Older Adult Institute

Carlin: 3 + 1 programs, student outcomes, make sure students are learning things in classes, keep tuition affordable.

Mazzochi, lower tuition, analyze which classes currently offered are posing bottlenecks to students who are not able to get their degrees because of them.

Wozniak: Repair the damage that has been done . Ask Brueder who is a man of honor to not accept that 760,00 package to retire.

Question for all: What are your political affiliations?

Pass if you have already answered.

Pihos: Republican.

Bernstein, no political group. I am a fiscal conservative.

Svodboa: I am pretty independent but lean towards the Democrat.

Carlin: I am a Republican.

Mazzochi: I currently affiliate with the Republican Party.

Wozniak: I am a Republican.

Gambs: Republican.

Savage: Democrat. I serve as a non-partisan position though.

Ball: I am a Libertarian and as outsider as you get.

Napolitano: I am an independent.

Kempa: Running as an independent.