Author Archives: Admin

BOT 10/22/2015 Agenda #17-18

17. Approval of Expenditures Under Computer Partnership Agreement

This motion failed because no one seconded it.

#18 Committee reports – these consisted only of mentions of upcoming meetings.


BOT 10/22/2015 Agenda #14-16

14. Bell CDL – Asset Transfer/Capital Purchase
15. Trustee Expense Reimbursements
16. McAninch Arts Center Signage

#14 – brief exchange with administrator about valuing of large equipment and projection of numbers of students to be served through program expansion. Passes.

#15 – Trustee Wozniak asks why vote on this, never voted on mileage before. Chair Hamilton responds that transparency is the issue. Wozniak responds that as a taxpayer, people should be worried about large amounts of money, not small amounts. Bernstein replies that the monetary amounts are not material, it’s the visibility of the board because of the times we are in. Trustee Mazzochi says she does not necessarily support all of the reimbursements because they seem optional. Chair Hamilton says it should be considered to set a threshold rather than looking at picayune amounts.

Motion passes. Mazzochi votes no.

#16 – Mazzochi says that no renderings were provided. Asks where it goes. Responding admin says that it will go on a “bland” area of concrete. Goal is to reinforce the brand for the Mac in the arts. Only two bids came of an RFP sent to 17 companies.

Motion fails with Hamilton, Napolitano, and Mazzochi voting no.

BOT 10/22/2015 Agenda #11-13

11. Financial Reports

Trustee McGuire raised a number of questions about bills, some of which were answered and some referred to staff for follow-up.

Financial reports were approved. Mazzochi abstained.

12. Annual Print and Digital Advertising with Daily Herald
13. Annual Print and Digital Advertising with Chicago Tribune

#12 McGuire asks questions about budget for advertising. Responding administrator discusses “geo-targeting” by different newspaper outlets. This is the reason for preferring the Daily Herald over Suburban Life.

No discussion on #13.

Both are approved.




BOT 10/22/2015 Agenda #9-10

9. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of the September 17, 2015 Regular Board Meeting b. Minutes of the September 28, 2015 Special Board Meeting c. Consortium Purchases – Carpet Addison Center d. Consortium Purchase for HSTC Classroom Furniture e. Cambridge Publisher – ESL Textbook purchase f. Annual Library Spend – Amazon.Com and Yankee Book Peddler g. Write-off – Receivable, Identity Theft Case

Items c, d, and e removed from consent agenda by McGuire.

Items c and d: McGuire “just wanted to say good job” – excited for use of Consortium.

These items are approved.

Item e, McGuire raises concern about state funding, are we receiving the money? Collins responds, not yet, reminds that board had agreed to transfer money from education fund to cover delayed state funding.

This item is then approved.

10. Personnel Action Items – Approval

No discussion. Item is approved.

BOT 10/22/2015 Agenda #8

8. INFORMATION a. Personnel Items b. Financial Statements c. Gifts & Grants Report d. Construction Change Orders e. In Kind Quarterly Donations

Trustee McGuire raises concern about personnel items regarding people leaving after very short time employed. Linda Sands-Vankerk made general comments about how the college handles resignations. Our record is good overall for retention of employees. McGuire also asks about occupancy rates at the Inn at Waters Edge. Dean Stewart responds about difficulty of marketing such a small property; occupancy rates are about the same.

Trustee Mazzochi questions about construction change orders. She researched older board minutes and found a budget of 14.5 milion rather than the current 16.5 million. Responding administrator says he does not know about this. Mazz says she will forward him the old minutes for follow-up.

Trustee McGuire – financial questions. Could take money out of board of trustees budget. Wants the public to be aware of legal bills. Cites current legal bills well over a million dollars. Typical annual legal expenses for the college are around $500,000. Makes several other comments and questions about financial statements and policies. Her exchange with the responding administrator starts shortly after 7:35pm. The most interesting part concerns write-off and litigation of the IMAT loss.

Trustee Mazzochi follows up with further questions about the IMAT loss.

There is a further exchange between Mazzochi and McGuire based on a report by Roger Kempa about the sale of assets and other remedies for the IMAT loss. Kempa argues that all or nearly all the loss can be recovered, perhaps over a few  years.

Brief discussion of the need for review of financial policy especially in light of future movement of money management to outside firm. RFP is in process.

Chair Hamilton thanks McGuire for keeping an eye on financial issues and states that there will be a presentation in November organized by Consella including discussion of legal expenditures.

BOT 10/22/2015 Agenda #1-7

Meeting called to order at 7pm. Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Napolitano is absent because of work obligations. Bernstein moves to allow  him to participate by phone. Mazzochi takes his place to call the roll. All present vote yes.

Roark is absent. Birt is absent. There is a quorum.

The agenda is approved unanimously without discussion.


Keith Yearman, Professor of Geography. Spoke about elimination of health center when Breuder arrived, as well as reduction in numbers of counseling faculty. Noted demand for services increasing and need for greater resources in these areas. Urged expansion in these areas.

Judy Worley (?). Replied to McGuire’s characterization of Breuder’s firing as a political witch hunt, wonders why McGuire as a DuPage Dem would want any association with Breuder. Read the HLC report and supports the faculty view of bullying and intimidation. Calls on Clean Slate for a “clean sweep,” how can Collins be rewarded with a promotion and a raise?

Blake Walter, Assoc Dean for Learning Resources and Director of the Library. Long time taxpayer, father of current student. Attended scholarship reception recently and reminded of why I work at COD. Working in private sector of higher ed, became discouraged by mounting student debt. COD plays critical role providing affordable higher ed. Despite ongoing controversy, we are still a center for comprehensive learning, for cultural experience.

Student Trustee report – Roark absent because of student leadership conference.

No president’s report.

Trustee Wozniak gave comments about attending a conference for community college trustees. Attended sessions on success for male students of color, conducting effective presidential searches, ethical standards.

Chair Hamilton asked for more details on the presentations on president searches, mentions that the focus of the Nov 5 meeting will be the president search. Brief discussion.


BoT Special Meeting 10/20/2015 Post 4

Chair Hamilton opens up the public comments section.

Laura Reigle — Expresses her unhappiness with Trustee McGuire for voting no and wonders what her motivation could be. Has a question for BoT — regarding what has happened in the last week. What ramifications will there be for the College for the bond issue, because theywhich were used for enrollment numbers that are now clearly inaccurate.

Kirk Allen — talks about his early writing that claimed that administrators need to be held accountable.  Directs his comments at Interim President Collins. He tells Dr. Collins that he has always been cordial to him and appreciates that. However he believes that the SLEA credit issue falls under Collins responsibility as the Executive President for Academic Affairs. Notes that Collins allowed the Equitable Initiative to go ahead despite warnings from Maloney and from faculty that it should not happen.

Takes issue with Chair Hamilton for her comments that these things did not happen under Dr. Collins watch.

Trustee Birt, you did publicly state that these things did happen under Collin’s watch, so would you indicate what you think should be happened.

Calls for Dr, Kartje to be removed from her post immediately because of the SLEA issue. She supplied false information.

Notes the BoT doesn’t have the authority to terminate those administrators. He wonders which administrator has the integrity to resign from the College. Or what actions the BoT can take to encourage these administrators to self-cleanse” from the college. Notes it is not about apolitical agenda, but rather about good government. Notes that the BoT could be accused of micromanaging, but states that in moment of crises, micromanaging can be necessary.

Judy Worley — relieved that action has been taken. Looks forward to more information that will cone to light. And looks forward to a clean sweep.

Roger Kempa. Calls for an apology from Trustee McGuire for her comments regarding Nazis in a previous meeting.

Bob Buckley –asks McGuire if she voted no because she is afraid of a lawsuit. Notes that Birt has missed so many of the recent meetings.

Chair Hamilton — time for BoT comments. Notes that a chapter at COD is coming to an end. The grounds in today’s resolution show a systematic betrayal of students, faculty and taxpayers for insider benefit. We now have the FBI, the HLC, ICCB coming to investigate us. The evidence is overwhelming. Tomorrow we will release the documents we have that led to this, except for those that cannot be released. We will fight for COD. We will effectively deliver world-class education that will allow COD students to effectively compete in this globalized economy. It is our new day. It is our promise to you. This school has great teachers who are teaching determined students. Each one of us on the BoT invites everyone in District 502 to take your place and to help build the very bright and promising future for COD.

Next meeting is Thursday Nov 22. There is another meeting on Nov 5th that is not reflected on the announcements.

Chair Hamilton asks for a motion to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned.

BoT Special Meeting 10/20/2015 Post 3

Chair Hamilton asks for a motion to come out of closed session.

McGuire — States she will vote against the motion to terminate Brueder. She says there is not a real legal basis for firing him. She calls this move a politically charged vendetta.  States that Erin Birt has told her that if she could be present tonight, she would also vote no.


Trustee Mazzochi– talks about the resolution that asked Brueder to surrender all devices provided to him by the college. Within hours Breuder’s IPAd was wiped clean and he was responsible for it. To date he hasn’t responded to BOt requests to explain this. Mazzochi quotes Breuder’s attorney noted that evidence must be preserved, and that is the standard Brueder must be held to.

Brueder has not responded in writing to these allegations though he was invited to.

Brueder was aware of improper election activities because his approval is all over the documents. This involved cash and time away from COD– real taxpayer dollars were taken from students and taxpayers

Brueder has not responded in writing to these allegations though he was invited to.

Mazzochi says that if this list is not enough cause for termination she wonders how far an employee would have to go to give cause for termination.

Trustee Bernstein — refers to the HLC Report. The issues identified in there are the reason we are having this vote tonight. E-mail regarding 20 million dollars from the State of Illinois, radio station improprieties, Faculty vote of no confidence, administrative expenses at the Waterleaf, the President’s contract and buyout, Foundation Board member contracts.The SLEA credit issue. Investment of funds.  All of this was brought up by the HLC, all things to the detriment to the College, and all happened under Brueder’s watch. Disagrees that this is a political move. Instead, it is based on the evidence, the things mentioned in the HLC report.

Trustee Napolitano — want to add that we are coming to the end of a terrible chapter in COD’s long history. We have the chance to turn the final page on this bad chapter and going back to what this college was.

Chair Hamilton calls for a vote:

Turstee McGuire votes no. All other Trustees present vote yes. The motion to terminate the employment of Robert Brueder passes.

Chair Hamilton asks to add the full version of the faculty VNC to Item 6.

She asks for objections. She hears none.

Trustee Mazzochi talks about her experiences at the faculty in-service today and about her conversations with faculty.


BoT Special Meeting 10/20/2015 Post 2

Public comments continue

John Kraft — Still has not obtained Breuder’s W2.

Trustees Birt, Wozniak and McGuire — need to write a check back to COD for all the food and wine you consumed. Item #1 is sufficient by itself to terminate Breuder. (Failure to store electronic records) There is a criminal investigation ongoing. This is a felony.

Susan DuBoef — Wants to tender an apology to all the BoT and all gathered. Notes she was a student at Harper when Breuder was there. Notes that she and Harper taxpayers paid Harper College 500,000 to leave. She apologizes for sending Breuder from Harper to COD. She hopes that COD will not have to pay Breuder $700,000 to go away.

End of Public Comments.

Chair Hamilton announces the closed session. College Attorney states the reason for going into closed session.

Trustees present all vote yes to move to closed session.

The BoT moves into closed session.

Blogging will resume after the closed session.