Author Archives: Admin

Feb 19, 2015 – Faculty Senate Resolution on naming of HEC

The following was read to the Trustees by Richard Jarman, Vice President of the COD Faculty Association.

Resolution to rescind naming of the HEC building:

The College of DuPage Faculty Senate calls upon the Board of Trustees to rescind the naming of the Homeland Security Education Center in honor of current president Robert Breuder on his retirement as revealed in the approval of the fourth addendum to his contract. The Senate believes that the naming of this building should occur if and when a more suitable candidate emerges.

Feb 19, 2015 – comments by Hansen, President of COD Faculty Assn

Good evening. I’m Glenn Hansen, president of CODFA and Faculty Senate.

It is good to read that that some of you paid attention to the Faculty’s Vote of No Confidence in Dr. Breuder’s leadership. But, it’s distressing that you paid as little attention to the details as you did to the phantom contract extensions for Dr. Breuder. Since we have never met to discuss the VNC, I will read for you what you would have received last month.

We have released the details of our Vote of No Confidence. We would have liked to have shared them with you first in an effort to solve a major problem, one that you seemed inclined to dive into. The Vote of No Confidence is a compilation of issues and opinions raised by members of the COD full-time faculty. It is not an exhaustive list of complaints, but one that has been compiled through open forums and direct input from individual faculty members during July 2014. No faculty member spoke in defense of the president at any venue, some spoke against the Vote of No Confidence as a viable action. Many raised the concern that the Board of Trustees would ignore the results and the opinion of the full-time faculty.

This was written prior to our awareness of issues raised in the last 6 months. We are confident that the new issues raised and the lack of explanation for many would have led to a larger margin of no confidence in the leadership of President Breuder.

In August 2014, this document was approved unanimously by the Faculty Senate, who then asked for faculty members to vote yes or no on their confidence in President Breuder’s leadership at a Sept. 10th election. Multiple forums and discussions were held prior to the vote. The results were 189-53 supporting the vote of no confidence.

As stated many times, the Vote of No Confidence is not a reaction to one single event, but a response to a pattern of behavior and actions over a 6-year period. It should be noted that many faculty members may have voted yes or no for personal reasons not raised by others.

The Vote of No Confidence should be seen as the result of an unacceptable academic environment. Further evidence of the quality of the work environment is that in 2014 there were 11 official grievance filings, numerous pre-grievance meetings, 5 cases sent to arbitration, and 7 FARB appeals disputing administrative decisions. One grievance has been filed in 2015. These are high numbers and should not be acceptable to anyone. Since the day Dr. Breuder was hired, he has described this as the most toxic work environment he has seen. After 6 years, the faculty opinion is that it is now worse and unacceptable. A change in leadership is necessary, NOW. It is time to end the culture of “No” to one of “we understand, let’s solve the problem.”

2-19-2015 Post 5

Sypata continues discussing fraud. Sypata disputes the accusations. She doesn’t know if Elmhurst contacted the COD two years ago concerning Valente, If they did, the message fell on deaf ears.  COD paid Valente his vacation pay.  Fraud went on for years, there was collusion, we caught it.

-applause from crowd-

David Goldberg speaks on Model U.N.  Students practice weekly on public speaking. They  traveled to Chicago to represent COD and represent Morocco and is preparing to travel to Charlotte, N.C. for the national conference

Haroun Asshan?  Explains what Model U.N. does. Haroun has been a member of COD Model U.N. for three years moving from unsure participant to president of the club. He thanks Professors Goldberg and Gergen for helping him, and every member of the club to grow as students and people.

VP of Model U.N. discusses the clubs purpose and activities.

-Applause from crowd-

-Birt Break-

2/19/15 BOT meeting Post 4

Tom Glaser –   38% improvement in gross margins at the Waterleaf.

Losses are getting better – 2013 – ($576,000);  2014 ($536,000) at Waterleaf. Seated 11574 patrons, or approximately 50 patrons a night.

Fitness Center illustrates its work

Food Service, Sodexo, discusses its operations.

Bookstore makes a lot of money

Joe Moore discusses WDCB- Reports to Joe since 2012- elephant in the room, the arrest of Valenti on fraud charges-thanks Police for their diligence in pursuing the matter

Lynn Sypata discusses the finances of the station. losses for 2014 $363,000, down from $745,000 in 2008-

Revenue for this year

Radio station fraud- uncovered in 2013- State’s Att. requested the college not go public. It was difficult to hear misstatements and not be able to respond. Responds now. Expenses were overstated for past 16 years, or 4 times the annual income for the radio station. Averages 28 k a year or 1.4% of the radio station’s budget.

2/19/15 BOT meeting post 3

Glen Hansen and Richard Jarman’s comments will be added later.

BOT schedules break at 8:05 pm


Reconvenes at 8:25pm

Student Trustee report.  Thanks for all the comments and honest debate.  PLease keep it respectful for having these discussion.  It has not negatively impacted the students learning.  THank the whole community for the support to the studetns.

Omar and Palo has been named to all academic team representing COD.

Earl Dowling – VP student affairs – nominating 2 student chosen for PHi Beta Kappa chapter on the all academic Team

Omar and Palo have been working with the PBK membership at COD.  Palo looking into Organizational communication at DePaul.  Omar is heading to Seanna< italy for study aboard.

Bravo to these students.

Jim Martner is ill today

Tom Glaser – DIane Martinez, Jean Pierre Lerue.  financial matters  Auxiliary operations

ICCb college services need to be self supporting.

Continuing ed, bookstore, radio station, waterleaf, MAC are all auxillary units.  In total lost around $300,000.  Some units profited and some did not.

Diane Martinez talking about MAC programs and MAC spaces. about 2 per day including rehearsal and practice, gallery openings.  Claims $1,968,000 ancillary revenue each year for DuPage County businesses, based on research by Americans for the Arts, a standard used by arts organizations nationally.

Lynn sypata – discussing the revenues and costs of the MAC. 1st six months have a profit of $78,000.

Jean Pierre Lerue – Waterleaf revenues .  It is a learning lab for 2 days a week and since it was going to sit idle as a learning lab SO they decided to make it a commercial restaurant for 5 days a week.  Discussing restaurant industry revenues and profit margins in general.

Financial results of Waterleaf. As of Dec 2014, increased in customers is 62%.


2/19/15 BOT meeting post 2


John Kraft – about miss Shaw’s questions in the minutes.  Why isn’t Trustee Maguire’s speech in the minutes.  Trustee Macguire still owes us an apology.  Contract bids and no bid contracts o being open to public because bank manager was on the board.

Matthew Tarco  — Sent several FOIA requests and wondered why he didn’t get those requests.  Calling for Macguire and savage (for defending) to resign for making nazi comments about people asking questions about the board decisions.  Reading COD discrimination policy.  He has talk with anti-defamation league.  Sociopathic  cult of personality for breuder

Kirk Allen – Edgarcounty watchdogs — public records no being accurate.  Informing you about FOIAs and a summary f Dr. Breuders other contractual services, $1173.  Paired with a FOIA for the Siefert law firm.  We reimbursed him $1173 was actually for personal legal advice.  Your FOIA officers play checkers, I play chess.

Roger Kempa – formal request to defer any decision on tuition and fees so that we can look at enrollment data.  Disproportion increase for in district students.  In dis – up 30% out of district up 10%  COD is not the only community college with a Moody Aaa rating.  Having no reason for having 97% of college budget to – going to put in a class action lawsuit  because of it.


Blake Walter – Learning resources Associate Dean  – Offer a brief testimony of why I love these new board meeting where public forums are allowed and discussion is moved.  It is how America works.  I have been delighted by working in this new environment.  These have helped me see what it is like to work in a community college.  When I worked as Northern Seminary I came to realize there is problem in higher education.  I came to see that community colleges are for the local community to help educate and assist citizens in building careers.


Kathy Hamilton – internal audit and tuition.  John Valenta was arrested today for stealing money.  Paid for an audit for his actions and then buried the audit.  Wasted taxpayers money for hiding things from taxpayers.  You fought so hard to hide so much and you had started a new fight so you are fighting over the books.  The documents should never go to openthebooks.  Tuition — have raised tuition and property taxes you cannot wash it out.  you cannot just because the elections are coming up. Are you embarrassed?  I am.  Tribune has called for mass resignation.


2/19/15 BOT meeting post 1

Dr. Breuder is absent today or Trustee Odonnell is also absent.  Roll call made.

Pull agenda item 8d1

Approving board meeting agenda.  Passes.

Agenda related comments section:

Sonia S.  resides in naperville I oppose the reappointment of Tom Cameron and Vicki G.  Students were not helped with finding a job and the road block was put out a semester before their finishing the program.  No attempt as been made to help the students and help them find a program that can finish their programs.

Laura — I am asking this board why you approved charging the tax payers to pay for construction bonds twice.  Enrollment is still down from 2003.  If you want enrollment to increase, decrease tuition rates.  Why was the 2.1 million dollars paid for water statues?  How many students could have attended with that money?

Adam Andrzejewski — internal auditors report . Asking for a tuition cut.  We would have paid Breuder 4.4 million for 7 years.  Restaurant costs, Cut tuition.  In Dec.  Your radio station audit was clean.  the chief of elmhurst college warned COD about him.  Joe Moore signed off on the Valenta invoice.  Paid him 1.1 million.  Padded his pension.  It has no accounting control.  Asking you to resign.

Dan Bailey — Bottom line candidate for COD trustees.  Harper college sent Breuder to us.  To pretend now that this was all an unavoidable to contract problem.  I will as a new trustee, move that we have an investigation on the breuder contract.  3rd.  Investigate radio station, 4th investigate other  5th detailed rationale for keeping 180 million in reserve and 6th no bid contracts.

Jan Shaw – pledge of allegiance.  talk about meeting minutes.  approval the meeting minutes.  January minutes are inaccurate.  Dec. meeting are inaccurate based on what she said then.  video has the minutes.  Would like minutes to be accurate.

Bob B. $762,000 — cannot blame someone else when you approved the contract extensions.

Jeanne Ives filed a amendment to HR55 resolutions is i committee ready to be heard.  Would like auditor general to begin the audit of the finances.  Wondering whether the board is meeting its fiduciary responsibility to the college.  We are asking the state to get involved in this audit from the auditor general.  You can use the 180 million in reserve to pay for auditor

Paul R. — the lightening rod has been sidelined.  let’s focus on the board performance.  Why don’t you ask questions of administration duties.  Chair’s removal of Kathy Ham form audit committee, only CPA.  Let’s assess that the board to any action against regarding , Glen Ellyn issues, president contract, building contracts, imprest account expenses.  You never seem interested in monitoring the money trail on no bid contracts.  you seem to have a lack of curiosity on this issues, addressing board.

Feb 19, 2015 – Setting up for the BOT meeting

By court order, a larger venue must be provided for COD’s board of trustees meetings. Tonight’s meeting starts at 7pm in the large atrium lobby of the Student Services Center.


Seating and media system in place – ready for a large turnout


1/28 BoT Mtng Post 8

BIrt asks for a motion to adjourn. The motion passes. They leave.

1/28 BoT Mtng Post 7

Paul Member of thePublic

Board of Director of Veteran’s organization in Wheaton who was a friend of Sgt Robert Miller. Speaks to his loss when Miller waskilled. Talks about the sum ofmoney involved. Talks about the homelessness he has seen among veterans’. Says he spoke with Sgt Miller’s parents on the way here. Asks the BoT to name the building after Sgt. Miller.

Bill Bullrich — DuPage United member. COD is an important public institution and should be operating at the highest levels of transparency and integrity. We at DuPage United were concerned about the process that brought this President to this College. COD must build and rebuild public trust in the community. As you move forward,  it makes little sense to have Dr. Brueder involved in that selection process of the new president.

Mark Kmichek. I am here to speak of my outrage at what the BoT has done — the 762,000 lump sum severance plus the bonus plus the salary and benefits. What a deal for the taxpayes and students! Let’s not forget what he made at Harper. That’s a lot of money Dr. Brueder has made from public service. (He names various events that have outraged him at COD) LEt’s stop this. Let’s look at the best interest of the students and the taxpayers and not the employees.

Glen Ellyn resident of 25 years. Thank you for coming out, everybody. I see a pattern of reaking the public trust and breaking the law. We’re concerned about breaking the law — this is going to come up further. We’re not going to run away. Your proposed compensation  — I don’t think it is going to hold –amounts to 700 per hour for the duration of his time. How many of you here earn that? To those of you who voted for this, make this your last vote. Nobody in this room supports you, BoT. Nobody believes in you. You’ve unified a divided community. There’s little we can do about corruption at the federal level. But we can at this level, and we are not going away. Let’s hold the Trustees accountable until trust is renewed.

Mary  Pakos Human Resource manager. DuPage County property taxpayer. After two hours of listening to public comments, this BoT did not come to its senses. Brueder’s retirement should not come with this lump sum. The BoT has agreed with the exception of Hamilton of giving him Emeritus president after his retirement. Why does he need this status? Brueder is going to assist the college in his replacement?  We don’t need Brueder’s help. We do not need help in finding a clone for Dr. Brueder. We can accept his immediatevoluntary retirement starting today, immediately.

Steve Johnson. Glen Ellyn resident. I have a son now attending COD> I believe in this institution and that’s why I volunteer here. The list of Dr. Brueder’s accomplishments — a list of minutae — to cast him in a good light. Mainly those are accomplishments that are part of his job, that’s what he is paid to do. Let’s talk about public relations. Generated ill will with the Village of Glen Ellyn when that was not needed. And now the former governor distances himself, and tonight we have public speakers lining up to distance themselves from the College. How terrible, Dr. Brueder’s combative confrontational style is unnecessary. He has actually proven himself to be the wrong man for the job. I think the new president needs to have a different style.

Louise Handel — West Chicago, taxpayer and COD student. I am offended and insulted when I hear BoT members blame prior Bot members for past decisions. And those scandals such as what happened with the previous governor happened on your watch. I am concerned thay they feel we owe him something after he leaves. Why do we owe him anything after he leaves? No work, no benefits, he’s done.

Claudia  Freed — no tax dollars should ever be spent on unearned exit packages for public official who leave their position voluntarily.  You know what they call COD now? “Circus of DuPage” We take our citizenship very seriously. It’s very embarrassing to have the student Trustee vote first. All of you are professionals — you will go back to your businesses. We have lost regard for you. We came here with respect for education — we pay our taxes. We don’t get the chance to say “we would like to get money when we leave.” How has this institution gotten so off track?

Katherine Cornell. A long time ago I taught at the College of DuPAge. It was clear to me that our job was to give our students the best education process. We were about providing an outstanding experience for our students. And I haven’t heard anybody say anything about that today. For those of you who will be running for reelection, I advise you to withdraw from the race. I find this extremely disappointing that the responsibilities of the Board have not been carried out. The President reports to the Board. The Board is the boss. But not at the moment.

Frank Falesh. Discusses the confusion around this process. Bruede is given an an outrageous golden parachute. And the faculty has voted no confidence in him. IS the Bot just trying to get rid of him and is willing to pay this outrageous sum. But we are not! And outrageous that he would have a hand in choosing his successor.

Ed Frangoliak. Asks the folks in the crowd to stand up and say the Pledge of Allegiance. (Recites the Pledge and asks the crowd to stand with him and recite it. Audience rises) I have had three sons graduate from COD, went on to NIU. But I don’t have respect for this Board. Not the way they have handled this meeting and previous meetings. This Board has to change. They voted on this now because they knew they would not make it past the April election. This Board 6-1 vote is not even understandable. They did not discuss why the need for this vote. Why do they want to give Brueder this golden parachute. In closing I am sorry, well no, I am not sorry for you.

Paul Bradley.  One piece of the Addendum I would like to point out specifically, Page 2, Item 1C.  that The BoT will observe the decision made in May 013 to name the building after Robert Brueder after his retirement. This time they added the clause about his behavior.  Thiswhole document should have been read to the public, not partially selected bits. When someone leaves an organization, voluntarily or not, they are generally shown to the door immediately. As an employee, he’s been here long enough. You’ve known this since last year. He should have been asked to leave last year when he announced he wanted to retire.

Brian Lambrecht. Chair of DuPAge Libertarians. COD BoT his the buyout from the public. Now people are covering yourselves, so much backpedaling. Tribune says you are under a spell. I’m not buying that. This is corrupt. There is drinking going on at the College — but not the students, this time, it’s the executives. Ten grand on a Xmas party. Why do you BoT members run when the media comes your way. IF you believe in your decisions, why your silence? Three of you won’t be here by May.  In the end we will right the wrong. though positive change is never easy.

Bruce ????  Something bad has happened here. That’s been expressed by many people. It’s been a one-sided message, sincere people, but it’s a monolithic message. I came here to learn. But I didn’t learn if there is more to the story than what the Bot members are allowed to talk about in an open forum. I’ve been on Boards and in situations where I couldn’t tell the whole story. I hope there are good journalists here. I hope the good journalists will find out what more there is to the story and write the last chapter so we the public can learn what else is going on here, that can not be talked about in public. Good journalism I am hoping they are listening in case there is more to the story. There has been a verbal flogging. It’s been painful, the length that has gone on. An expression of anger about the things we want to know. I hope the BoT has the chance to get the rest of the story out.

Bartlett resident — second chance learner. I have had a great time around. When I was 18 I was sick and almost died. But then I came back here later and had a great time. I feel sorry for the young people who earn so little at minimum wage. (Mentions how much the administrators are getting

Part-time employee of COD off campus. I work two part time jobs. I am a returning homemaker. I want to speak as an employee. My third child is here. My youngest. Dr. Brueder gave her the chance with the 3+1 agreements. She is one of the first to graduate. I thank him for pursuing these 3+1 opportunities. This is a wonderful institution. As a parent I am so thankful for this institution. I am so thankful for 5 BoT members. I don’t know the people from Edgar County. That’s far away. Why are they here. What is their purpose. I don’t understand the hate. COD is my choice. We could go to Waubonsee. But we choose COD. I am so proud.

Ross Mackey. Renaming the Homeland Security Building. I want to talk about the damage done to this institution by the killing of one elephant in Botswana and posed with its carcass. This practice is now illegal. Robert Brueder kills an elephant in Botswana and there are no repercussions. Why would you name a building after him. Why name a building after a person who kills purely for fun. That’s despicable, that’s disgusting..

John Kraft. I can’t believe you don’t know that there is media. That you have to respond to FOIA requests. You’ve sent me a letter saying I am not media. We have to take you to court to get you to do this (hold a meeting in a large open venue). Why don’t we just get rid of him and find someone new who knows about open meetings?

Kirk Allen- Edgar County Watchdogs. So that there is no confusion, here are my Illinois State media credentials. Your attorney will not respond to me, but here are my credentials. But we will continue to sue and to expose. I am a no-profit too. We qualify as media and non-profit. But you people have continued to claims that we are voluminous and repeated requestors. I am still waiting on other documents that you people are still refusing to supply. So here in front of hundreds of people, here are my credentials.  If you don’t respond, it leads people to make assumptions. You opened up a house account Mr Brueder, you slept in that small hotel you opened up — the BoT did not vote on that. You didn’t think so many people would show up. We are going to continue to embarrass you. We were asked by people in this institution to expose the corruption. We are not done yet.